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烟花爆竹是中华民族传统文化中的一朵奇葩,是一门历史悠久的文化艺术,千百年来,一直与我国各族人民的生产生活紧密相连。上至国家政商大典,下至民间婚丧嫁娶;从春耕播种,至迎来送往;从一个人呱呱坠地,到其挥别人世……凡是隆重的事件,或是重要的场合,都有烟花爆竹的倾情参与。那充满激情的声响,那绚丽多彩的画面,以及闪耀夜空的光芒,或寄托人们的哀思、或烘托人类的喜悦,或渲染澎湃的激情,人们对美好生活的向往和良好的祝福,都离不开烟花爆竹。改革开放以来,随着科学技术的发展,烟花爆竹行业取得了可喜的成绩,焕发着新的时代光彩。各种琳琅满目的烟花产品,经过创意的编排,借助高科技电子数控设备,演绎出一幅幅精美绝伦焰火画卷,为各 Fireworks and firecrackers are a wonderful flower in the traditional Chinese culture. They are a long history of arts and culture. They have been closely linked with the production and living of people of all ethnic groups in our country for thousands of years. Up to the state business ceremony, down to the civil weddings and funerals; sowing from spring to welcome us; from a birth, to its farewell ... ... all the grand events, or important occasions, there are fireworks Firecracker portrait of participation. Those passionate voices, the colorful pictures, the glittering night sky or the pessimism of the people or the joy of mankind or the passion of surging people will leave people longing for good life and good blessing Open fireworks. Since the reform and opening up, with the development of science and technology, the fireworks industry has made gratifying achievements and rejuvenated the glories of the new era. A variety of assortment of fireworks products, through creative layout, with high-tech electronic numerical control equipment, interpretation of an exquisite fireworks picture, for each
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High temperature is an important factor inducing bacterial disase of the prawn (Penaeus orientalis).Water temperature over 35℃ apparetly stopped tested baculov
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Hi!还记得第七期《中学生百科》的棒球英语吗?上杉达也、上杉和也、浅仓南的棒球梦想打动着你吗?努力,梦想才会实现,学英语不也是这般? Hi! Remember the baseball English