
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘.眼科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:abcoabco1
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Background:Within the midbrain,the third nerve nucleus is composed of a complex of subnuclei.The fascicular portion of the nerve courses through the red nucleus and exists in themidbrain just medial to the cerebral peduncle.The cisternal portion of the nerve is a single structure that divides into a superior branch and an inferior branch in the region of the cavernous sinus and superior orbital fissure.Objective:To describe 2 patients with superior divisional third cranial nerve paresis resulting froma lesion involving the cisternal portion of the nerve prior to its anatomical bifurcation.Patients:Case 1 was a 77-year-old man with a superior divisional third nerve palsy as the presenting manifestation of a posterior communicating artery aneurysm.Case 2 was a 41-year-old woman who developed a superior divisional third nerve palsy following anterior temporal lobectomy for epilepsy.Results:In both cases,the presumed location of the lesion was the cisternal portion of the third cranial nerve.Conclusions:Although the anatomical division of the third cranial nerve occurs in the region of the anterior cavernous sinus or superior orbital fissure,there is a topographical arrangement of the motor fibers within the cisternal portion of the nerve.The clinical evaluation of a patient with a third cranial nerve paresis requires an understanding of the regional neuroanatomy and topographical organization of the nerve. Background: Within the midbrain, the third nerve nucleus is composed of a complex of subnuclei. The fascicular portion of the nerve courses through the red nucleus and exists in themidbrain just medial to the cerebral peduncle. The cisternal portion of the nerve is a single structure that divides into a superior branch and an inferior branch in the region of the cavernous sinus and superior orbital fissure. Objective: To describe 2 patients with superior divisional third cranial nerve paresis resulting froma lesion involving the cisternal portion of the nerve prior to its anatomical bifurcation . Patients: Case 1 was a 77-year-old man with a superior divisional third nerve palsy as the presenting manifestation of a posterior communicating artery aneurysm. Case 2 was a 41-year-old woman who developed a superior divisional third nerve palsy following anterior temporal lobectomy for epilepsy. Results: In both cases, the presumed location of the lesion was the cisternal portion of the third cranial ner ve.Conclusions: Although the anatomical division of the third cranial nerve occurs in the region of the anterior cavernous sinus or superior orbital fissure, there is a topographical arrangement of the motor fibers within the cisternal portion of the nerve. The clinical evaluation of a patient with a third cranial nerve paresis requires an understanding of the regional neuroanatomy and topographical organization of the nerve.
最近,我觉得自己胖了许多,同学、老师和家人也都这样说我,于是,我决定减肥。  星期天的早晨,我一改往日赖床的习惯,5:30 我就起床准备跑步。我不再偷懒地选择来回的短跑道,而是选择绕着大大的环湖跑道跑步。我跑啊跑,还没跑满一圈就感觉到很累了,看到路边的蝴蝶椅,我的脚步不由自主地慢下来,很想一屁股坐上去,最好是躺下来。但我没有放任自己,而是坚持跑跑走走了一上午才回家。  到家的时候,爸爸妈妈已经准备
中国工农红军第四师战斗旧址—东港镇百岭村天主教堂  百岭村位于惠来县西南部,清朝中期传教士曾在此传播天主教,并建有教堂。村四周建有围墙,设有枪眼,挖有壕沟,防御能力较强,是“白旗军”匪乱的首要人物肖觉的老巢。  1928年1月,红四师在彭湃、叶镛、徐向前等的率领下,平定陆丰“白旗军”匪乱。1月16日,红四师政委唐维奉命率11团一部追敌至惠来百岭村。由于反动武装依仗寨墙和天主教堂的高楼重重防守,顽固