SINAMICS—the high efficiency drive technology for rolling mills

来源 :Baosteel Technical Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yq_ma
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In the Metals Industry,interruption-free processes to produce high-quality end products are a prerequisite. The main drives together with the mill stands play a key role in the success of rolling mills.The crucial demands placed on the drive system are:high-dynamic performance of drive and its control system,ability to handle the process related overloads,smooth running,high availability,high efficiency,easy serviceability and ability to integrate seamlessly with the automation systems.With numerous reference installations and many years of experience Siemens VAI has the wider expertise and the portfolio to provide the right drive for every application. This paper examines the latest innovation,SINAMICS drive technology,for both new drive applications as well as for modernizing the existing drives in rolling mill applications like hot strips mills,plate mills,cold rolling mills,and long rolling mills. In the Metals Industry, interruption-free processes to produce high-quality end products are a prerequisite. The main drives together with the mill stands play a key role in the success of rolling mills. Crucial options placed on the drive system are: high -dynamic performance of drive and its control system, ability to handle the process related overloads, smooth running, high availability, high efficiency, easy serviceability and ability to integrate seamlessly with the automation systems .With numerous reference installations and many years of experience Siemens VAI has the wider expertise and the portfolio to provide the right drive for every application. This paper examines the latest innovation, SINAMICS drive technology, for both new drive applications as well as for modernizing the existing drives in rolling mill applications like hot strips mills, plate mills, cold rolling mills, and long rolling mills.
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