来源 :Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hyc1211
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A new precision piezoelectric actuator is proposed to improve its drive capabilities. The actuator is based on the piezoelectric technology. It adopts the principle of bionics and works with a new method of stator initiative anchoring/loosen and a distortion structure of double-side thin flexible hinge. It solves the problem of anchoring/loosen, frequency, journey, resolution and velocity. The experiment shows that the new linear piezoelectric actuator works with high frequency (100 Hz), high speed (502 μm/s), large travel (>10 mm), high resolution (0.05 urn) and high load (100 N). This kind of new piezoelectric actuator will be applied for large travel and high resolution driving device, optics engineering, precision positioning and some micromanipulation field. A new precision piezoelectric actuator is proposed to improve its drive capabilities. The actuator is based on the piezoelectric technology. It adopts the principle of bionics and works with a new method of stator initiative anchoring / loosen and a distortion structure of double-side thin flexible hinge. It solves the problem of anchoring / loosen, frequency, journey, resolution and velocity. The experiment shows that the new linear piezoelectric actuator works with high frequency (100 Hz), high speed (502 μm / s) 10 mm), high resolution (0.05 urn) and high load (100 N). This kind of new piezoelectric actuator will be applied for large travel and high resolution driving device, optics engineering, precision positioning and some micromanipulation field.
当年曾为马连良、谭富英、裘盛戎、张君秋司鼓的谭世秀先生的后人谭娜,于2007年11月23日在刚落成的梅兰芳大剧院内的梅先生铜像前向梅葆玖先谭娜从梅葆玖手中接过学习资料 T
为了充分调动村干部的工作积极性和创造性,最近,磐安县制订下发了《关于建立村干部报酬补贴制度的暂行意见》,明确了补贴对象、补贴标准、资金筹措和资金使用监管等问题。 1
以白求恩医科大学九四级~九六级五年制、七年制和研究生为问卷调查对象 ,调查了解医学生写作训练情况 ,对所用教材的评价以及亟待提高的能力 ,分析医学生对学习现状、教学环节
故事梗概大嫂范慧敏已近不惑之年,丈夫从事地质勘探工作常年在外,她与正处在青春期的儿子、上了年纪的婆婆、小叔夫妇及两个小姑生活在一起。范慧敏作为全家的核心,承担起 S