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时下称青年女子为小姐,不失为一种时髦,甚至还有点洋味,其实,“小姐”一词并非舶来品,而是中国自古就有的称呼。 “小姐”一词最早出现在宋代。钱惟寅《玉堂逢辰录》中有“茶酒宫人韩小姐”的记载。据清人平步青《霞外捃屑》考证,这儿的“小姐”还只是人名而并非一种称谓。 据《说文》,“姐”本意为“母”,魏时乐人也称姐,宋沿此俗。《夷坚志》有“散乐林小姐”、“建康娼女杨小姐”。这儿的小姐显然指卖笑女子。“小姐”一词的源出正与此有关。据《嫩真子》:文潞公所居私第,地名东田,有小姬四人,谓之“东田小籍”;“小姐”即“小籍”一声之转,前者实出于后者。明代以来,仍有呼妓女为小姐的。最迟在明代,“小姐”开始成为年青女子的通称,明代朱有燉诗云:“帘前三寸弓鞋露,知是婹婹小姐来”。“小姐”一词成为仕宦之家女儿的尊称和专称。 Nowadays the young woman is a lady, after all, a trendy, and even a little foreign flavor. In fact, the word “miss” is not imported goods, but it has always been called in China. The word “Miss” first appeared in Song Dynasty. Qian Weinyin “Yutang every record” in the “Tea Palace Gong Han Miss” records. According to the Qing people Ping Buqing “Xia offar debris” textual research, here's “Miss” is only the name and not a title. According to “said the text,” “sister” means “mother”, Wei also known as sister, Song along the vulgar. “Yi Jian Zhi” There are “casual music Miss Lin,” “Jian Kang prostitute Miss Yang.” Obviously, the young lady here refers to a laughing woman. The source of the word “miss” is related to this. According to “tender real child”: Wen Lu office private section, place name Dong Tian, ​​Xiao Ji four, that the “Dong Tian Xiao Ji”; “Miss” is “little” soon as the former is the latter . Since the Ming Dynasty, there are still whores as Miss girls. At the latest in the Ming Dynasty, “Miss” began to become a generic term for young women. In the Ming Dynasty, Zhu had a steeped poem saying: “The three-inch bow shoe dew in front of the curtain is known as Miss Miu Miu.” The word “miss” became the title and epithet of the daughters of officialdom.
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