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辽宁杨、辽河杨、盖杨是1992年通过鉴定的3个抗病速生新杂交种,经11年多的试验和生产栽植实践表明,具有速生特性。在7年生对比试验林中,辽宁杨、辽河杨、盖杨材积生长分别比对照种沙兰杨高120%、80%、112%。生产上大面积栽植也表现出速生特性,新民市机械林场、辽阳县林业局项目办和辽中县林场,采用一年生截干苗造林2067hm2,3年生年均胸径生长量3~4.05cm,树高2~3m;材质好,气干密度、基本密度分别是沙兰杨的118~150%、116%~135%;3个新杂种原浆白度为70.7%~73%,均高于一般杨树;粗浆得率为39%~40%,而沙兰杨等只有19%~21%;比重为0.398,一般杨树为0.308;抗病虫能力强,抗溃疡病接种试验,沙兰杨发病率高于辽宁杨8.02倍、辽河杨4.15倍、盖杨2.2倍。自然发病调查3个新品种无受害,杨干象、白杨透翅蛾危害很轻;对土壤条件要求不苛刻。台安县城郊一林场在透气性不良、有机质0.7%的贫瘠沙地上,7年生辽宁杨平均树高15.6m,胸径18.83cm;小钻杨的平均树高只有7.1m,胸径9.45cm。 Liaoning Yang, Liaohe Yang, Gai Yang was identified in 1992 three new fast-growing disease-resistant hybrids, after more than 11 years of experimental and production planting practice, with fast-growing characteristics. In the 7-year-old comparative experimental forest, the volume growth of poplar, poplar and poplar in Liaoning Province were 120%, 80% and 112% higher than that of the control. Large-scale production also shows the rapid growth of planting characteristics, Xinmin Machinery Plantation, Liaoyang County Forestry Bureau Liaoxian County Forest Farm, with annual truncated stems afforestation 2067hm2, 3 annuals annual growth rate of 3 ~ 4.05cm, trees High 2 ~ 3m; good material, air-dry density, the basic density of Sallalla are 118-150%, 116% -135%; three new hybrid puree brightness of 70.7% to 73%, were high In the general poplar; coarse pulp yield was 39% to 40%, while only 19% to 21% of Sal Single Desert, the proportion of 0.398, the general poplar 0.308; pest resistance, anti-ulcer Diseases vaccination test, the incidence of Sallalla Yang 8.02 times higher than Liaoning, Liaohe Yang 4.15 times, cover Yang 2.2 times. Natural disease investigation 3 new varieties without damage, Yang dry elephant, poplar moth harm is very light; on the soil conditions are not demanding. In the suburbs of Tai’an, in the poorly ventilated and organic 0.7% of barren sandy land, the 7-year-old Liaoning poplar average tree height is 15.6m and the diameter at breast height is 18.83cm. The average tree height of small poplar is only 7.1m and the diameter at breast height is 9 .45cm.
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