
来源 :中国锅炉压力容器安全 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:slgull
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液化气体罐车(以下简称罐车),充装的介质主要有液氨、液氯、液态二氧化硫、丙烷、液化石油气以及液氧、液氮等。本文以液氮和液化石油气两种罐车为叙述对象。将罐车检验过程中容易出事故的环节及控制措施提出,以供同行们参考。1 置换清洗及宏观检查罐车到了检验现场后,在罐体内部置换合格之前,不要将人孔盖板及其他开孔连接件打开,以防止各种异物,尤其是火种进入罐体。也要防止残存气体外泄。在人进入罐体进行除锈清理或宏观检查之前,首先要确认罐体内气体已经排尽,罐体内部已经置换清 Liquefied gas tanker (hereinafter referred to tanker), filled with liquid ammonia, liquid chlorine, liquid sulfur dioxide, propane, liquefied petroleum gas and liquid oxygen, liquid nitrogen and so on. In this paper, liquid nitrogen and liquefied petroleum gas tanker for the narrative object. The tanker inspection process easy to accident out of the link and control measures for colleagues for reference. 1 Replacement Cleaning and Macro Inspection After the tanker has arrived at the inspection site, do not open the manhole cover and other open-hole connections until the tank body is qualified for replacement to prevent any foreign objects, especially the fire, from entering the tank. Also to prevent the leakage of residual gas. People enter the tank for rust removal or macro inspection, we must first confirm that the tank has been exhausted gas, the tank has been replaced inside the clear
Two homochiral enantiomorphic 3D coordination polymers:(D-HAPA)_2[Cd_2Cs(DHAPA)(m-BDC)_4]·(EtOH)(1D)and(L-HAPA)_2[Cd_2Cs(L-HAPA)(m-BDC)_4]·(EtOH)(1L)(APA=2-am
目的 :通过测定 2型糖尿病中继发性磺脲类药物失效 (SFS)患者的谷氨酸脱羧酶抗体 (GAD Ab) ,探讨SFS与成人迟发型自身免疫性糖尿病 (LADA)的关系。方法 :对 178例SFS患者进行
Although Chen Chunyu, the head of our tour group had told us to get ready by eight o’clock, XiuXiu and I woke up as early as six; we bothfelt s