
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(神经病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cyscwbr
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Objective: To provide a large, comprehensive evaluation of the CSF findings in patients with serologically confirmed West Nile virus (WNV), CNS disease, and their correlation with outcome. Methods: CSF samples from 334 WNV- infected hospitalized patients were analyzed. Information was available and extracted from the medical records of 250 of these patients, and CSF parameters correlated with clinical and epidemiologic features of disease (e.g., patient age, sex, outcome). Results: Patients with meningitis had a mean of 226 cells/mm3,and those with encephalitis had a mean of 227 cells/mm3.Three percent of meningitis patients and 5% of encephalitis patients had fewer than 5 cells/mm3, and approximately 8% of both groups had more than 500 cells/mm3. Patients with meningitis had a mean of 41% neutrophils, and those with encephalitis had 45% . Forty- five percent of meningitis patients and 37% of encephalitis patients had at least 50% neutrophils in their initial CSF specimen. Neither the mean percent neutrophils nor their distribution differed significantly between groups. Forty- seven percent of encephalitis patients and 16% of meningitis patients had CSF protein of 100 mg/dL or greater (p < 0.01). Although specific CSF parameters, including nucleated cell count and protein concentration, correlated significantly with outcome, multivariate analysis suggested that their total predictive value was modest. Age was an additional predictor of outcome independent of CSF variables in all patients. Conclusions: Serologically confirmed West Nile virus meningitis and encephalitis produce similar degrees of CSF pleocytosis and are frequently associated with substantial CSF neutrophilia. Patients with encephalitis have higher CSF protein concentrations and are more likely to have adverse outcomes, including admission to long- term care facilities or even death after their acute illness. CSF findings were only a modest predictor of disease outcome, with patient age adding important independent prognostic information. Methods: CSF samples from 334 WNV-infected hospitalized patients were analyzed. Information was available and extracted from the medical records of 250 of these patients, and CSF parameters correlated with clinical and epidemiologic features of disease (eg, patient age, sex, outcome). Results: Patients with meningitis had a mean of 226 cells / mm3, and those with encephalitis had a mean of 227 cells / mm3.Three percent of meningitis patients and 5% of encephalitis patients with fewer than 5 cells / mm3, and approximately 8% of both groups had more than 500 cells / mm3. Patients with meningitis had a mean of 41% neutrophils, and those with encephalitis had 45%. Forty- five percent of meningitis patients and 37% of encephalitis patients had at least 50% neutrophils in their initial CSF specimen. Neither the Forty-seven percent of encephalitis patients and 16% of meningitis patients had CSF protein of 100 mg / dL or greater (p <0.01). Although specific CSF parameters, including nucleated cell count and protein concentration, correlated significantly with outcome, multivariate analysis suggested that their total predictive value was modest. Age was an additional predictor of outcome independent of CSF variables in all patients. Conclusions: Serological confirmed West Nile virus meningitis and encephalitis produce similar degrees of CSF pleocytosis and are frequently associated with substantial CSF neutrophilia. Patients with encephalitis have higher may increase CSF protein concentrations and are more likely to have adverse outcomes, including admission to long- term care facilities or even death after their acute illness. CSF findings were only a modest predictor of disease outcome, with patient age adding important independent prognostic information.
为了确定卵圆孔未闭(patent foramen ovale,PFO)是否为原因不明性脑血管缺血事件(cerebrovascular ischemic event。CIE)的危险因素,美国梅奥医疗中心神经科的Pewtty等对明尼苏达州Olmsted县的1072名居民进行了一项病例对照研究,所有居民在1993—1997年期间均做过对比增强经食管超声心动图(transesophageal echoca
一yì颗kē饱bǎo满mǎn的de种zhǒnɡ子zi落luò在zài地dì上shɑnɡ,骨ɡū碌lu骨ɡū碌lu,在zài斜xié坡pō上shɑnɡ打dǎ了le几jǐ个ɡè滚ɡǔnr儿,停tínɡ在zài一yì棵kē枯kū黄huánɡ的de小xiǎo草cǎo旁pánɡ。  在zài小xiǎo草cǎo的de附fù近jìn,散sàn落luò着zhe两liǎnɡ颗kē和hé他tā一yì模mú一yí样yà