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燃油的可压缩性和压力波动态特性的影响会制约共轨系统(CRS)的喷射。共轨系统布置及其几何形状分布会对每个喷油器的喷射过程产生很大影响。根据采用液力学模拟工具AMESim对共轨系统进行模拟所得的结果,设计制造并试验了新的共轨喷油器和高压油泵。它们是最适合功率为1000~5000kW柴油机的新型共轨系统的关键,而这类柴油机广泛适用于机车、船舶、发电和重型土方机械。喷油器在其体内有一个蓄压室,其易于安装到发动机气缸盖内。致动件布置在前部,从而使得结构很紧凑。在单次喷射或多次喷射情况下,喷油器均具有良好喷油率特性。对新的共轨系统的喷油规律与以前的装有共轨,但喷油器内不带蓄压室的系统的喷油规律进行了比较。带有正弦偏心轴和滑动座(位于偏心轴和每个柱塞底之间)的高压泵提供压力油。为了获得长的使用寿命,对柱塞底和滑动座之间的润滑给予了特别关注。每个柱塞的工作腔内的压力借助一个小活塞传递给柱塞底。上述共轨系统的新型泵结构非常简单。性能结果展示了该共轨系统具有非常理想的液压效率。 The compressibility of the fuel and the influence of the dynamic characteristics of the pressure wave restrict the injection of the common rail system (CRS). Common rail system layout and geometry distribution will have a great impact on each injector injection process. A new common rail injector and high pressure pump was designed and manufactured based on the simulation of a common rail system using the hydraulic simulation tool AMESim. They are the key to the new common rail system that is best suited for diesel engines operating at 1000-5000kW, and these diesel engines are widely used in locomotives, ships, power generation and heavy-duty earthmoving machinery. Injectors have a pressure accumulator in their body that is easy to install into the engine’s cylinder head. The actuator is arranged at the front so that the structure is compact. In a single injection or multiple injection cases, the injector has a good injection rate characteristics. The fuel injection rule for the new common rail system is compared with that of the conventional fuel injection system with a common rail, but without a pressure accumulator in the injector. High pressure pumps with a sine eccentric shaft and a sliding seat (between the eccentric shaft and each plunger bottom) provide pressure oil. In order to obtain a long service life, pay special attention to the lubrication between the plunger bottom and the sliding seat. The pressure in the working chamber of each plunger is transmitted to the bottom of the plunger by means of a small piston. The new pump structure of the common rail system is very simple. Performance results show that the common rail system has a very good hydraulic efficiency.
证明线段的倍分关系是平面几何中较常见的题型,掌握其证题规律,对同学们的学习大有益处.本文举例加以说明. 一、运用加倍法例1如图1,在△ABC中,D、E两点在AB所在的直线上,且
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差不多三十年前,加拿大小伙子John Hardy刚刚迈进25岁,他准备着一场环球旅行,但是旅行刚刚开始就结束了。他在旅程的第一站遇到了未来的妻子Cynthia,两人一见钟情,同样让他们