
来源 :沈阳故宫博物院院刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tom0101
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现代世界已经进入信息时代,各种媒体在社会生活中的影响和作用越来越大。对于博物馆来说,与大众媒体的合作是博物馆营销和发展的重要因素之一。为了更好地发挥博物馆的职能,在现代文化的建设和发展中发挥更大的作用,就要加强与大众媒体的联系与合作,使媒体的响应与合作成为博物馆事业成功中不可或缺的因素,成为博物馆与大众进行有效沟通的重要手段。通过媒体的宣传吸引更多的人走进博物馆,从而延伸博物馆的社会服务职能,扩展博物馆的社会活动空间。作为遗址类博物馆,沈阳故宫博物院近年来在与 The modern world has entered the information age, and various media have become increasingly influential and influential in social life. For museums, co-operation with the mass media is one of the key factors in museum marketing and development. In order to give full play to the museum’s functions and play a greater role in the construction and development of modern culture, it is necessary to strengthen the contact and cooperation with the mass media so that the media’s response and cooperation become an indispensable factor in the success of the museum’s cause , Has become an important means of effective communication between museums and the general public. Through the media, more people are attracted into the museum to extend the social service function of the museum and expand the social activities space of the museum. As a site museum, Shenyang Imperial Palace Museum in recent years
This Special Issue attributes to the 2017 China-Canada-USA Pharmacology/ Physiology Conference (CCUPPC), one of the initiatives of promoting scientific exchange
雪,有条件才会“崩”  影视剧或纪录片中常会出现这样的可怕景象:积雪像洪水一样沿着山坡奔涌而下,吞没沿途的树木、山石和动物。由此,我们得出发生雪崩的两个基本条件:首先是要在山坡上,其次是积雪要达到一定的厚度。雪崩从山坡上部开始,先是出现一条裂缝,接着巨大的雪体开始向下滑动。在这一瞬间,雪体获得加速度并继续加速下滑。如果山势过于陡峭,无法形成足够的积雪,就很难形成雪崩。  除上述基本条件,发生雪崩还
Extracellular microvesicles (MVs) and exosomes (EXs) are the major types of extracellular vesicles (EVs) which can carry and transfer molecular messages (protei
Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) remain a major health issue and a grave socio-economic burden,being the No.1 killer in major industrial countries and the main rea