
来源 :亚太传统医药 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cheng2008YING
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目的:比较我国2009版和2012版国家基本药物目录中儿童用药的情况,为提高我国儿童用药可获得性,进一步完善我国基本药物目录提供参考。方法:采用描述性分析方法,比较两版目录的差别,分析新版国家基本药物目录在药品类别、剂型、规格及说明方面对儿童用药的补充情况。结果:2012版国家基本药物目录在2009版国家基本药物目录的基础上增加了抗肿瘤药;部分药物增加了适宜儿童使用的剂型或规格;部分药物增加了对新生儿用药的说明并增加了使用的年龄限制。结论:2012版国家基本药物目录充实了适合儿童用药的品种、剂型、规格和说明,能在一定程度上缓解儿童用药不足的状况,但从根本上解决儿童用药问题仍需要长期复杂的过程。 OBJECTIVE: To compare the situation of children’s medication in the 2009 and 2012 national essential medicines catalogs of China to provide reference for improving the availability of children’s medicines in our country and further improving the catalog of essential medicines in our country. Methods: Descriptive analysis was used to compare the differences between the two editions of catalogs and to analyze the supplementation of children’s medication in the new national essential medicines list in the aspects of drug category, formulation, specification and description. Results: The 2012 edition of the National Essential Medicines List added anti-tumor drugs based on the 2009 edition of the National Essential Medicines List; some of the medicines added dosage forms or specifications suitable for children; some drugs added explanations for newborn medicines and increased their use The age limit. CONCLUSION: The 2012 edition of the National Essential Medicines List enriched varieties, dosage forms, specifications and instructions for children’s medication, which can alleviate the under-medication in children to a certain extent. However, solving the medication problem for children still requires a long-term and complicated process.
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那天一大早,我就发现这火龙果长了大约有一厘米的嫩芽,而且,还伸出了两片绿油油的小叶子,就像是一个可爱的娃娃张开了两只细小的手臂,非常可爱!这些刚刚长出来的嫩芽非常脆弱,假如你轻轻倒一滴水,它都有可能翻一个“跟头”。  最特殊的是,它和其他植物生长过程不一样。比如:豆角,它是先把土扒开一条小缝,看看外面是否如小伙伴们描述的那般美丽、漂亮。具体说,它还有些害羞、胆怯。但是火龙果却坚定地认为,小伙伴都说
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目的:观察富马酸比索洛尔对扩张型心肌病致心衰的疗效。方法:68例病人常规治疗2周后加服小剂量富马酸比索洛尔4周,比较治疗前后心功能参数、24 h室性心律失常总数及临床效果。结