
来源 :山东医药 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xuzhidanxu
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1992年以来,我们采用自体阔筋膜组织填补预防腮腺切除术后味觉出汗综合征,取得较满意的效果。现报告如下。 临床资料:本组5例,年龄均<35岁,在腮腺全切后采用自体阔筋膜填补术。术后随访0.5~2年,无1例出现味觉出汗综合征。 手术方法:①行腮腺手术前,先于一侧大腿外下方做一5cm长纵形切口,切开皮肤、皮下组织,切取约5cm×7cm阔筋膜,保存于生理盐水中备用。缝合创口,加压包扎。②常规行腮腺切除术。切除腮腺组织后,用生理盐水冲洗术野,将备用阔筋膜覆盖于创面,注意将耳颞神经及耳大神经覆盖于阔筋膜深面,筋膜周缘用肠线与皮下组织、颈阔肌及嚼肌后缘做间断缝合,针距约0.6cm。皮瓣复位缝合后,行负压引流,加压包扎。 Since 1992, we have used autologous lachrymal fascia tissue to prevent post-parotidectomy sweat syndrome, and achieved satisfactory results. The report is as follows. Clinical data: The group of 5 patients, all ages <35 years old, after the parotid total resection using autologous laminectomy. Follow-up 0.5 to 2 years after surgery, no case of taste-induced sweating syndrome. Surgical methods: ① Before the parotid gland surgery, a 5cm long longitudinal incision was made on the outside of one side of the thigh. The skin and subcutaneous tissue were excised and the fascia about 5cm × 7cm was excised and stored in normal saline. Suture wounds, pressure bandaging. ② routine parotidectomy. After excision of the parotid gland, the surgical field was irrigated with saline, and the spare fascia lata was covered on the wound. The auricular temporal nerve and the great auricular nerve covered the deep fascia. The periphery of the fascia was covered with gut and subcutaneous tissue, Muscle and chewing muscle to do intermittent suture, needle spacing of about 0.6cm. After the flap suture reduction, negative pressure drainage, pressure bandaging.
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