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海洋测深仪器,除声学测深仪器和钢丝绳外,大部分是以压力传感器测量水的静压力而计算出仪器所处深度的。因此在推行法定计量单位过程中,海洋测深仪器的改制在了一个大家注目的问题。由于采用法定计量单位,压力单位采用了帕斯卡(Pa)以及与词头组合构成的十进倍数单位和分数单位。以往使用kgf/cm~2(千克力每平方厘米)b(巴)mb(毫巴)db(分 Ocean sounding instruments, in addition to acoustic sounding instruments and wire rope, most of the pressure sensor to measure the static pressure of water to calculate the depth of the instrument. Therefore, in the process of implementing the legal units of measurement, the reform of ocean sounding instruments has become an issue that attracts everyone’s attention. Due to the legal unit of measure, the pressure unit uses Pascal (Pa) and decimal multiples and fractional units in combination with prefixes. In the past using kgf / cm ~ 2 (kg force per square centimeter) b (bar) mb (millibar) db
A couple of sbuttle vectors (pYNA and pYNB), containing a sequence coding for the leader regionof the α-factor precursor (α-factor leader sequence) and the o
据国际知名的医疗技术市场情报调研公司加拿大千禧年公司(Millennium Research Group,MRG)2011年3月26日报道:直至2015年,作为月经过多和子宫肌瘤治疗措施的子宫切除术将继续
第 一 用中国陆架的残留沉积………………………………………………………………刘锡清(1)太平洋撞击事件…………··。………………………………………………………周瑶出(
Two new species of the genus Anthenoides from the southern China are described. A. laevigatus sp. nov. shows affinities with A. epixanthus. A. tenuis sp. nov.
一九六三年生于无锡,笔名爵君,别署自在斋斋主,斋名妙迹堂、妙法精舍。毕业于中央美术学院书画鉴定专业硕士研究生班。中国书法家协会会员。其鉴定聪慧敏 Born in 1963 in W
由国家海洋局和国家南极考察委员会联合召开的我国“首次南大洋考察成果评审会”于1987年3月28日在杭州举行。 来自全国科研和教育等部门的25位专家学者在评审过程中一致认
- The dynamic behaviors and earthquake responses of a fixed jacket platform have been analyzed by using the response spectrum method with the condensation of d