Nanometer Stripe Microstructure of Supersaturated Solid Solution in Fe-Cu Alloy

来源 :Journal of Iron and Steel Research(International) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhoubear
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Strengthening due to precipitation of Cu in the α-Fe matrix is an important phenomenon utilized in the design of HSLA steels. In the present work, the microstructure of supersaturated solid solution in Fe-1.18%Cu binary alloy was investigated by means of high resolution electron microscopy. The results indicated that the solid solution was heterogeneous, there were lots of Cu atom clusters, which consisted of diffractive stripe microstructure similar to twin crystal. Orientation deviation was observed between two (110)_α planes in diffractive stripes, which results in light and shade contrast. Furthermore, formation mechanisms of the nanometre stripe microstructure were discussed in terms of the interaction of Cu and Fe atoms in the Fe-Cu binary alloys. Strengthening due to precipitation of Cu in the α-Fe matrix is ​​an important phenomenon utilized in the design of HSLA steels. In the present work, the microstructure of supersaturated solid solution in Fe-1.18% Cu binary alloy was investigated by means of high resolution The results indicated that the solid solution was heterogeneous, there were lots of Cu atom clusters, which consisted of diffractive stripe microstructure similar to twin crystal. Orientation deviation was observed between two (110) _α planes in diffractive stripes, which results in Light and shade contrast. Further, formation mechanisms of the nanometre stripe microstructure were discussed in terms of the interaction of Cu and Fe atoms in the Fe-Cu binary alloys.
研究性学习已经纳入普通高中必修课,是我国基础教育课程的重大突破,是国际社会比较普遍认同和实施的一种新的课堂模式,是当前教育改革的重点和热点。与被动的接受式学习相比,研究性学习特别强调学生的主动性和探索性;注重培养学生的创新精神和实践能力;在教师和学生的共同参与与合作中共同发展,共同创作。本文结合自己的教学实践,对开展研究性学习课应注意的问题作一简单探讨。  首先,研究性学习应当构建一种开放的学习环
使用前的准备工作脱粒作业开始前先要安装好机具和原动机,挂好机器上的三角胶带,并对机器进行检查调整。 1.安装机具机具应安装在平坦的场地上,使机器的纵向和横向保持水平
桅杆:帆船的桅杆起到支持船帆的作用。帆:帆船一般具有单帜或多帆,分主帜、前帆和三角帜等等。标志:帆船的左舷一般用红色标志,右舷用绿色标志。 Mast: The mast of the sai