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介绍了矿用支护钢调质前后机械性能对比、调质钢的抗弯试验及使用情况。结果表明,调质后支护钢机械性能大为改善,支架承载能力大幅提高,可以小截面取代大截面,节省钢材,降低成本。 This paper introduces the comparison of the mechanical properties before and after quenching and tempering of mining support steel, the bending test and the usage of quenched and tempered steel. The results show that the mechanical properties of the quenched and tempered steel are greatly improved, the carrying capacity of the stents is greatly improved, and the small section can replace the large section, saving steel and reducing costs.
With the gradual control on exterior pollutant source, phosphorus (P) released from sediment of Dianchi Lake maybe important internal pollutant resource. Solidi
During the last century, several lead mines and a metal smelter were in production in the Upper Ribeira Valley, southeastern Brazil. After fifty years of activi
It is still disputed in the scientific community whether it is possible to trace a direct link or even proportionality between mercury (Hg) anthropogenic loadin
从四川大学到法国居里大学、埃克森公司,从硕士到博士、博士后,彭宇行实现了知识的成功积累。面对国外众多企业、科研机构的高薪聘请和挽留,他婉言谢绝,毅然回到了 From Si
我国电机界老专家、我所原副总工程师朱春甲同志因患胃癌医治无效于 2 0 0 3年 8月 9日上午 7:40分逝世。享年 85岁。朱春甲同志出生于 1 91 8年 1 1月 ,江苏金坛人 ,1 940年