Effect of scandia on tungsten oxide powder reduction process

来源 :Journal of Rare Earths | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:akiro
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Scandia doped tungsten powders were prepared by spray drying combined with two-step hydrogen reduction.The particle size of doped tungsten powder,powder morphology and doped tungsten matrix were characterized by scanning electron microscope,X-ray diffrac-tion and laser diffraction particle size analyzer,respectively.The reduction behavior of Sc2O3 doped tungsten oxide and the effect of Sc2O3 on the property of tungsten powder were studied by the temperature programmed reduction.The experimental results showed that the pre-cursor powders prepared by spray drying had spherical shape.The addition of Sc2O3 could decrease the reduction temperature of tungsten oxide.The scandia doped tungsten powder had sub-micrometer size in the range of 0.1 to1 μm and scandium distributed evenly in the powder.By using this kind powder,sub-microstructure cathode matrices with semispherical grains and homogenous distribution of scan-dium were obtained. Scandia doped tungsten powders were prepared by spray drying combined with two-step hydrogen reduction. Particle size of doped tungsten powder, powder morphology and doped tungsten matrix were characterized by scanning electron microscope, X-ray diffrac tion and laser diffraction particle size analyzer , respectively. Reduction of Sc2O3 doped tungsten oxide and the effect of Sc2O3 on the property of tungsten powder were studied by the temperature programmed reduction. The experimental results showed that the pre-cursor powders prepared by spray drying had a spherical shape. of Sc2O3 could decrease the reduction temperature of tungsten oxide. The scandia doped tungsten powder had sub-micrometer size in the range of 0.1 to 1 μm and scandium distributed evenly in the powder.By using this kind of powder, sub-microstructure of cathode matrices with semispherical grains and homogenous distribution of scan-dium were obtained.
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