
来源 :中国工会财会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yanjiajian7758
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新疆生产建设兵团农四师工会所属职工文化活动中心共有干部职工53人,其中离退休职工19人,是一个完全自收自支的事业单位。2000年由于影剧院建筑年久失修已成为危房,在师里统筹规划下,将其拆除,整个用地交给师物业公司开发房产业,补偿给职工文化中心1204平方米的门面房。原来从事影剧院工作的职工没有了岗位,绝大多数下岗。面对文化市场的萧条,如何经营好出租房和租赁业务,如何安置分流下岗职工,是十分严峻的问题。师工会下决心、下功夫对职工文化活动中心进行改革,确定了“抓机制、找市场,创事业”的工作思路,要把工会的事业单位引入市场经济的轨道,依托市场,坚持为工运事业、为职工群众服务的宗旨,树立企业化管理的理念,切实把事业单位变为工会事业发展的有力支柱。 一、推行符合市场经济规律的内部管理机制 职工文化活动中心是加强精神文明建设的阵地,同时也是服务行业。在计划经济条件下以公益性为主导,资金有保障,养成了职工和领导班子涣散的作风。要适应市场自我发展,就必须有一支搏击市场的工作队伍, A total of 53 cadres and workers, including 19 retired employees, belong to the staff cultural activity center owned by the workers’ union of the Agricultural Production and Construction Corps of the Agricultural Workers’ and Workers’ Divisions of the People’s Republic of China. It is a completely self-supporting public institution. In 2000, due to the disrepair of the theater building, it became a dilapidated building. Under the overall planning of the division, it was demolished. The entire land was handed over to the realty company for the development of the real estate industry and compensation for the 1204-square-meter facade of the staff cultural center. The original staff working in theaters do not have jobs, the vast majority of laid-off. In the face of the slump in the cultural market, it is a very serious problem how to run well-off rental housing and leasing businesses and how to resettle laid-off workers. The teachers and workers will make up their mind and work hard to reform the cultural and sports activities of workers and staff members. They have determined the working train of thought of “grasping the mechanism, finding the market and creating the cause”. They should introduce the institutions of trade unions into the track of the market economy, rely on the market, Career, the purpose of serving the masses of workers, establish the concept of enterprise management, and effectively to institutional units into a strong pillar of the development of trade unions. I. Implementation of the Internal Management Mechanism in Accordance with the Law of Market Economy The staff cultural activity center is a position for strengthening the construction of spiritual civilization and is also a service industry. Under the conditions of a planned economy, public welfare is the mainstay and funds are safeguarded, forming a style of slashing the workforce and leading bodies. To adapt to the market self-development, we must have a team fighting the market,
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