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该公司是国家生产五十铃N系列、T系列轻型车(商用、乘用车)的大型骨干企业,拥有净资产25亿元,职工5000余人,已形成五万辆年生产能力.工厂以合资为契机,积极引进、消化、吸收国外先进技术和管理,现已建成冲压、焊接、涂装及整车检测、发动机铸造及加工、前后桥等三个制造体系;全线引进了日本五十铃公司发动机缸盖、缸体、主轴承盖生产线及管理技术,年产7万台五十铃J系列发动机;德国BMN、瑞士GF发动机薄壁铸造生产线;英国海登涂装生产线等.该厂1993年生产五十铃轻型车1.9万辆,实现销售收入28亿元,在全国500家最佳经济效益企业中,在续三年居同行业首位,并连续两年雄居“重庆工业企业50强”榜首,成为重庆市产业结构调整中具有带动性的大型支柱企业. The company is a large-scale backbone enterprise engaged in the production of Isuzu N series and T series light vehicles (commercial and passenger vehicles) with a net asset of 2.5 billion yuan and a workforce of more than 5,000 and an annual production capacity of 50,000 vehicles. , Actively introduce, digest and absorb foreign advanced technology and management. Now we have built three manufacturing systems of stamping, welding, painting and vehicle inspection, engine casting and processing, front and rear axle, etc. We have introduced the engine cylinder head of Isuzu Co., Cylinder, main bearing cap production line and management technology, with an annual output of 70,000 Isuzu J series engines; Germany BMN, Switzerland GF engine thin-wall casting production line; the United Kingdom Hayden coating production lines, etc .. The factory in 1993 produced 19,000 Isuzu light vehicles Vehicle sales income of 2800000000 yuan, 500 in the country the best economic efficiency of enterprises, in the third consecutive year in the same industry, and for two consecutive years Xiongju “top 50 industrial enterprises in Chongqing,” topped the industry in Chongqing Structural adjustment in the driving force of large-scale pillar enterprises.
婴儿腹泻是小儿常见病 ,好发于秋冬季节。我们采用针刺加超短波治疗婴儿腹泻 70例 ,疗效满意 ,报告如下。1 一般资料70例均为门诊患者 ,其中男 44例 ,女 2 6例 ;年龄最大 2
中国机械设备进出口集团西麦克国际展览有限责任公司(CMEC INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION CO.LTD. )是专门从事国内外展览业务的专业公司,前身是成立于1957年的机械工业部展览办
The Sr isotopic systematics in the weathering profiles of biotite granite and granite porphyry in southern Jiangxi Province were investigated. The results showe
几乎所有的交通车辆都有鸣叫信号装置,火车有汽笛装置,汽车有喇叭,摩托车有喇叭,就连小小的自行车也有小铃铛,唯独手扶拖拉机没有 Almost all of the traffic vehicles hav