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唐代贞元年间,戍边名将李元谅筑就崇信城,为唐代“京师西北八镇”之一。北宋建隆4年(公元963年)正式建县。在漫长的1000多年间,崇信县城历经风云变迁,传承着人类的文明。改革开放的春风,使古老的崇信县城开始抖落一身的尘土,感受着时代的雨露和文明的滋润。特别是近年来,崇信县委、县政府把县城建设作为加快发展、繁荣城乡经济的关键措施来抓,使县城面貌不断变化,基础设施日臻完善,城乡居民生活水平不断提高。城区面积达到3.8平方公里,城区人口达到1.8万人,并于2000年3月建成了地级文明县城,抒写出了崇信人两个文明建设的新篇章。“九五”以来,全县共实施各类建设项目118个,累计完成固定资产投资4.89亿元,是“八五”时期的近两倍。城市基础有了明显改观,县城滨河东路、龙泉路已建成投入使用,旧城改造已完成部分工程,县城城区供水及扩建 In the reign of Zhen Yuan Dynasty in the Tang Dynasty, Li Yuanliang, a famous defender of the Frontier, built Chongxin City as one of the “Eight Schools in the Northwest of Northwest China” in the Tang Dynasty. Jianlong Northern Song Dynasty 4 years (AD 963) officially built counties. In a long period of more than 1000 years, Chongxin county has undergone changes, heritage of human civilization. The spring breeze of reform and opening up, so that the ancient capital of Chongxin County began to shake off the dust, feel the rain of the times and civilization moisture. In recent years, in particular, in recent years, the county government of Chongxin County has taken counties construction as a key measure to speed up the development and prosperity of urban and rural areas, changing the appearance of the county seat, improving the infrastructure, and continuously improving the living standards of urban and rural residents. The urban area reached 3.8 square kilometers, urban population reached 18000 people, and in March 2000 built prefecture-level civilized county, to express the Chongming people a new chapter in the construction of two civilizations. Since the Ninth Five-Year Plan, the county has implemented a total of 118 construction projects of various kinds with a total investment of 489 million yuan in fixed assets, nearly double the number of the “85” period. Urban base has been significantly improved, the county Binhe Road, Longquan Road has been completed and put into use, the transformation of the old city has completed some of the projects, urban water supply and expansion
The European stainless steel producers generate 20 -30 kg dust per ton of produced stainless steel.The dust formed during various stages of the production proce
本刊讯中国交通运输协会城市轨道交通专业委员会成立大会于2000年7月22日—23日在北京召开。由中国交通运输协会成立城市轨道交通运输专业委员会 ,目的是将城市轨道领域有关建设、运营
作者对 1985年 1月至 1997年 9月之间接受住院司法精神病鉴定 4 0例的护理资料进行了总结分析 ,现报告如下。1 临床资料本组资料共 4 0例 ,均为司法部门委托进行司法精神病