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第21届日本国际机床展(JIMTOF 2002)2002年10月8日至11月4日在东京国际展览中心举行。JIMTOF与德国汉诺威的欧洲国际机床展览会(EMO)、美国芝加哥的国际制造技术展览会(IMTS)和中国北京的国际机床展览会(CIMT)并列为世界四大机床名展。参加本届展会的共有712家企业,其中日本企业535家,占四 The 21st Japan International Machine Tool Show (JIMTOF 2002) October 8, 2002 to November 4 at the Tokyo International Exhibition Center. JIMTOF tied for the world’s top four machine tool exhibitions with the European International Machine Tool Exhibition (EMO) in Hanover, Germany, the International Manufacturing Technology Exhibition (IMTS) in Chicago, and the International Machine Tool Exhibition (CIMT) in Beijing, China. To participate in this exhibition a total of 712 companies, of which 535 Japanese companies, accounting for four
us$1,000Coun扛y(R0gion)ExportsImportsTotalOrdinary tradeAid or donation between governments Or inter—nafionM organizations Donation by ove~ea$Chinese,compatrio
次羁诱凝金额单位:万美元9692937719407669254147572606142504152336571903771 815401 752201 521341 269591 12366101466591575649453753496361154.42284一1{ (万美元)30000
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出口进口金额单位:万美元同比增长(%)金额单位万美元71 .537.448 .229二126 .324 .923.13421 .334,g75.857.214,716.297,112.435 .2一,.732.232 .4.5划电子元器件自动数据处
In the old China, what did one really need to survive? Theancients thought they knew exactly what the bare necessitieswere, and compiled a simple list of seven
JUtt七二UUJUS$1,(X刀ComrnodityExPortSlmPortsPerce刀tage ChangeExP.卿.TotalLPd..口produ山0.凡od and live anlnlals1 .Beverages andtob留eo2.Crude materi山,in edib
类别 金额 金额增长(%) 类别 金额 金额增长(%全圉出口总值(亿羹元卜 297.8 37.3 全国进口总值(亿美元) 310·2 63·42003年1月我国机电产品进出口前20大类产品 Category Am