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近年来,产业集群作为一种新型的、具有明显区域特征的产业组织形式在全球市场上的竞争优势越来越明显,比如我国温州的制鞋业、日本的汽车业、好莱坞的影视业。在国内,无论是理论界还是有关政府部门,都大力推崇产业集群的竞争优势和正面效应,而对产业集群由于企业自主创新能力不足引起的衰退和风险问题认识不足。迄今为止,我国的产业集群大都处于价值链分工体系的低端,其竞争优势仍主要依赖于劳动力、土地要素等低成本优势,自主创新能力不足,影响了产业集群的持续竞争力。因此,如何提高集群内企业自主创新能力,增强产业集群持续竞争力,防范集群风险和衰退,是当前我国经济发展中亟待研究解决的重要问题。 In recent years, industrial clusters as a new type of industrial organization with obvious regional characteristics have more and more obvious competitive advantages in the global market, for example, the footwear industry in Wenzhou, Japan, the auto industry in Japan and the film and television industry in Hollywood. In China, both theorists and relevant government departments are highly respected the competitive advantages and positive effects of industrial clusters, and lack of understanding of the problems of industrial clusters caused by the lack of independent innovation ability of enterprises. So far, most of the industrial clusters in our country are at the low end of the value chain division system, and their competitive advantages still rely mainly on the low cost advantages such as labor and land elements. The lack of independent innovation affects the sustainable competitiveness of industrial clusters. Therefore, it is an important issue that urgently needs to be studied and solved urgently in the current economic development in our country how to improve the capability of independent innovation in the cluster, enhance the sustainable competitiveness of the industrial cluster and prevent the risks and declines of the cluster.
2010年初,一家全新的Runway精品店在越南的胡志明市开业,超过1000m2的占地面积,并没有对店内的精致度有丝毫的减弱,这个精品店内部可谓极尽奢华,来自意大利的设计事务所CLS a
在会计实务中,目前核算企业合并的主要会计方法有购买法和权益结合法。本文结合最近颁布的新会计准则的规定,就我国目前对合并会计处理方法的选择进行探讨。 In accounting
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