Habitat suitability assessment of endangered plant Tetraena mongolica Maxim.

来源 :Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luo_123
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This paper uses Landsat TM images,GIS technology,Digital Elevation and Habitat Assessment Models to assess the habitat suitability of the endangered plant Tetraena mongolica in western Ordos Plateau of China by selecting terrain,soil,climate,and human activity factors as assessment indices.The results are as follows:natural factors such as climate and terrain are not restrictive factors for the survival and development of T.mongolica in the research region,whereas human activity causes habitat quality of T.mongolica to change intensively in quantity and distribution.The area of less suitable habitat increased by 23.87 km2 compared to potential habitat suitability.Thus,in some areas,human activity may be a key factor causing the endangerment of T.mongolica.There were obvious differences of potential and practical habitat suitability between different habitat regions in the study area.The habitat quality was better in Wujiamiao,Dishan and Qipanjing regions,and worse in Wuda and Qianlishan regions. This paper uses Landsat ™ images, GIS technology, Digital Elevation and Habitat Assessment Models to assess the habitat suitability of the endangered plant Tetraena mongolica in western Ordos Plateau of China by selecting terrain, soil, climate, and human activity factors as assessment indices. results are as follows: natural factors such as climate and terrain are not restrictive factors for the survival and development of T. mongolica in the research region, there human activity causes habitat quality of T. mongolica to change intensively in quantity and distribution. area of less suitable habitat increased by 23.87 km2 compared to potential habitat suitability.Thus, in some areas, human activity may be a key factor causing the endangerment of T. mongolica. There were obvious differences of potential and practical habitat suitability between different habitat regions in the study area.The habitat quality was better in Wujiamiao, Dishan and Qipanjing regions, and worse in Wuda and Qianlisha n regions.
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如果我现在依然还天天在微博上面发表这个现象不公,那个怎么怎么的,人家会说你们天天就说这些,就没有自己的生活吗?适可而止就行了。谈电影:要在整个水准线之上  南都周刊:当导演的感觉如何,据说你在扮演一个“克制的独裁者”?  韩寒:我觉得还好。其实做车手也是和很多人合作,非常多的零件,优秀的技师,他们都各司其职。(但是导演不一样在于许多人需要你告诉他怎么做是对的,怎么做最好)对,有点当统帅的感觉,但是
我是抹着眼泪笑完这部电影的。  《闺蜜》中的点点滴滴,简直就是我和闺蜜生活的真实写照。我们就是这样,一起哭一起笑,一起疯一起闹。  是的,这才是我们需要的爱。我们需要的是这种可以温暖心灵的力量,而不是狭隘的男欢女爱。闺蜜比男人更懂彼此,甚至比父母都懂。我们的喜怒哀乐互相都理解,因为我们住在彼此心里。  在外人、哪怕是在父母面前,我们都需要伪装一下,装成淑女、装成白领,以迎合他们心中的形象。然而在闺