ABB助力上海罗泾港成为全球首个智能化全自动散货码头 实现物料从卸船、堆取和装船的全自动作业

来源 :国内外机电一体化技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:skylong5257
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(2007年11月26日,上海讯)全球领先的电力与自动化技术集团ABB宣布,经过一年多的努力,于近日完成了上海罗泾港全自动化散货码头项目。ABB本地定制的自动化解决方案帮助罗泾港成为了全球第一个自动化散货码头,年吞吐能力达到3780万吨。2006年,中国港口吞吐量达到56亿吨,连续四年保持世界首位。随着中国对外贸易的不断发展,对煤、油、矿、粮和液化气等大宗散货的运输需求与日俱增。港口已成为支持中国经济发展和参与全球经济一体化进程的重要战略资源。 (Shanghai, November 26, 2007) ABB, the world’s leading power and automation technology group, announced that it has completed the fully automated bulk terminal project at Shanghai’s Luojing Port after more than a year of hard work. ABB’s locally tailored automation solutions helped make Hong Kong the Jingang Port the world’s first automated bulk terminal with an annual handling capacity of 37.8 million tonnes. In 2006, China’s port throughput reached 5.6 billion tons, ranking first in the world for four consecutive years. As China’s foreign trade continues to evolve, the demand for transportation of large bulk cargoes such as coal, oil, mining, grain and liquefied gas is on the rise. The port has become an important strategic resource for supporting China’s economic development and participating in the process of global economic integration.
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