创新工作思路 构筑源头治腐防线

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反腐倡廉是一个系统工程,必须标本兼治,综合治理,特别是要逐步加大治本的力度,从源头上预防和解决腐败问题。抓源治本,很重要的工作就是通过思路的创新,通过体制、机制和制度的创新,逐步建立起有效的反腐败预防体系。 一、创新教育方式,构筑廉洁自律的思想道德防线 反腐倡廉教育是抓源治本工作的首要任务。要发挥思想政治教育的优势,结合贯彻党 To fight corruption and advocate a clean government is a systematic project that must tackle both the symptoms and root causes and treat it comprehensively. In particular, it is necessary to gradually step up efforts to prevent and solve corruption from the source. To grasp the source of the root cause, a very important task is to establish an effective anti-corruption prevention system through the innovation of ideas through the innovation of the system, mechanism and system. First, innovate the way of education, build a clean and self-discipline ideological and moral defense Anti-corruption education is to grasp the source of the priority task. We must give full play to the advantages of ideological and political education and implement the party in good stead
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The novel material of photonic crystal makes it possible to control a photon, and the photonic integration will have breakthrough progress due to the applicatio
青海省耕地保护探索出一些成功的经验。严格实行耕地保护行政首长责任制;处理好四大关系;有效控制人口增长,防止耕地失控,取得一些可喜成绩。 Qinghai Province cultivated land
目的:建立一种快速、准确,便于临床推广应用的HLA基因分型方法以用于供体眼球组织的HLA-I、Ⅱ类抗原的基因分型.方法:取新鲜或保存的供体眼球组织(球结膜、眼外肌、视神经、角巩膜缘、巩膜或视网膜)和10mg,快速酚/氯仿法提取DNA,然后用针对HLA-A、B和DRBI亚区的组织特异性引物(sequence special primers,SSP)进行PCR扩增、2%琼脂糖凝胶电泳检测.结果:33只
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