
来源 :治淮 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dasmine
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建国五十周年前夕,新一届淮委党组和领导班子主持召开了淮委财务 经济工作会议。这次会议传达贯彻全国水利系统经济与财务工作会议精 神,贯彻落实水利部关于加强水利资金使用管理的指示;针对1998年、1999年水利建设资金专项审计中暴露出来的问题,认真反思,总结教训,研究加强水利资金管理的整改措施。会议分析了淮委财务经济面临的形势,要求大家在认清面临严峻形势的同时,也应该看到治淮建设面临着前所未有的发展机遇和有利条件。 On the eve of the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the party committee and leadership of the new Huai Committee hosted the Huai appoint financial and economic work conference. The meeting convened to carry out the spirit of the conference on economic and financial work of the national water conservancy system and implemented the instructions of the Ministry of Water Resources on strengthening the management of the use of water conservancy funds. In light of the problems exposed in the special audits of water conservancy construction funds in 1998 and 1999, the meeting deliberated and summarized the lessons learned , To study and rectify corrective measures to strengthen the management of water conservancy funds. The meeting analyzed the situation facing the finance and economics of the Huai Committee and urged everyone to see clearly that the construction of the Huai River is facing an unprecedented opportunity for development and favorable conditions while clearly recognizing the grim situation.
Papers No Page Analysis of undetected errors of decoding LDPC codes HE Yu-cheng, yang Li, NU Jian-jun and WANG Xin-mei 1 1 A hybrid filter and advanced algorith
一、装备准备 1.钓竿。钓野水域最常用的多为3.6米和4.5米两种;若专在深水搏大鱼时,可能还会用上5.4米甚至6.3米的竿。在钓点水深不超过2.5米时,3.6米竿应为首选。从钓调上
一、单项选择题(本类题共30分,每小题1分)1C2D3D4A5D6A7C8C9C10C11D12D13A14C15C16C17B18A19B20D21D2B23D24A25A26C27C28C2... A single choice (a total of 30 points in this category, each small
一、当前比较有影响的几种体育教学模式1 系统学习 :它是以教师系统讲授 ,学生系统记忆———复现知识技能为中心的一种教学活动体系 ,它是现代最流行且使用得最多的一种教学
研究了向列相液晶在空间变化电场作用下的电光特性。模拟了向列相液晶相位光栅的指向矢分布。随着光栅空间频率的增加条纹电场变得很重要 ,而且衍射方式也发生了变化。分析了