
来源 :世界银行经济评论 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haidastudent
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许多发展中国家当前正大力发展职业教育和培训(VET),以求积累人力资本,促进经济增长。本研究的主要目的在于理解作为发展中国家之一的中国,职业教育是否有助于其人力资本的开发。为了实现这一目标,我们收集了中国2个省超过10000名职业高中(最常见的计算机专业)学生和普通高中学生的纵向数据。首先,利用工具变量法和匹配方法进行的估计结果表明,就读职业高中(相对于普通高中而言)大幅度降低了学生 Many developing countries are currently vigorously developing vocational education and training (VET) in order to accumulate human capital and promote economic growth. The main purpose of this study is to understand whether China, as one of the developing countries, will benefit from the development of its human capital. To achieve this goal, we collected longitudinal data from more than 10,000 vocational high schools (the most common computer science students) and ordinary high school students in two provinces in China. First, estimates using instrumental variables and matching methods show that students in vocational high schools (as opposed to general high schools) have substantially reduced their attendance
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We propose schemes for the efficient information transfer between a propagating photon and a quantum-dot(QD) spin qubit in an optical microcavity that have no a
本文首先分析自主学习的定义、特征及必要性,然后从新课程标准下高中英语教师和学生角色定位角度初步探讨了高中生英语自主学习能力的培养。 This paper first analyzes the
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