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发动机曲轴轴承异响严重影响发动机工作性能。现有的人工经验听诊法和仪器辅助诊断法都难以快速甄别发动机曲轴轴承异响,为此创新性地提出了利用原子吸收光谱法判定汽车发动机曲轴轴承异响故障。对行驶里程分别1 000~28 000km,取样间隔约为1 000km,40批次的迈腾2.0发动机润滑油油液样品经微波消解处理后,在高温下转化成原子蒸气,由待测含量物质相同元素做成的空心阴极灯辐射出一定波长的特征辐射,通过石墨炉加热后一部分被基态原子发射。测定吸光度后,再根据由标准系列试样作出的浓度-吸光度工作曲线上,查出油液样品中的主要金属Cu,Pb含量,建立同一车型发动机不同行驶里程数润滑油主要金属Cu,Pb含量的数据库。研究结果表明主要金属Cu,Pb含量随着汽车行驶里程数在一定范围内波动。在实际工程应用中,通过测定有发动机曲轴轴承异响发动机的润滑油中主要金属含量,将其与含量变化趋势图进行比对,在不解体状态下,可帮助汽车检测维修人员判定汽车发动机曲轴轴承异响,降低汽车维修成本,提高了发动机曲轴轴承异响故障诊断的准确性。 Engine crankshaft bearing abnormal noise seriously affect the engine performance. Existing artificial experience of auscultation and instrument-assisted diagnosis are difficult to quickly identify the engine crankshaft bearing abnormal noise, therefore creatively put forward the use of atomic absorption spectrometry to determine the engine crankshaft bearing abnormal sound failure. For the mileage of 1 000 ~ 28 000 km and sampling interval of 1 000 km, 40 batches of MAGNOLIA 2.0 engine lubricating oil samples were microwave digested and then converted into atomic vapors at high temperature. The samples were analyzed by the same element The hollow cathode lamp is made to radiate the characteristic radiation of a certain wavelength. Part of it is emitted by the ground state atoms after being heated by the graphite furnace. After the absorbance was measured, the concentration of Cu and Pb in the oil sample was determined based on the concentration-absorbance curve obtained from the standard series of samples, and the contents of Cu and Pb in the lubricant of the same type and different mileage of the engine were determined Database. The results show that the main metal Cu, Pb content with the car mileage in a certain range fluctuations. In practical engineering applications, by measuring the engine crankshaft bearing abnormal noise in the engine oil content of the main metal, with the content of the trend of the comparison, in the case of non-disintegration, the car can detect maintenance personnel to determine the engine crankshaft Bearing abnormal noise, reduce vehicle maintenance costs and improve the accuracy of the engine crankshaft bearing abnormal sound fault diagnosis.
目的建立津蓟中风Ⅰ号颗粒中梓醇和五味子醇甲的HPLC测定方法。方法采用HPLC法分别对梓醇、五味子醇甲进行测定。梓醇的流动相为乙腈–0.1%磷酸(1∶99),体积流量为1.0 mL/min
144甲减和甲亢对胰岛素样生长因子、生长激素和胰岛素样生长因子结合蛋白的影响(英)MiellJp…JClinEndocrinolMetab.1993,76(4〕.950~955甲状腺功能正常是机体正常生长发育的前提,为了解甲状腺和垂体-生长激素(GH... 144 Hypothyroid
着重介绍了BRAUN/E16超速保护系统的组成和原理,以及速关阀油动控制原理,最后对超速保护系统在运行中的维护要求和故障处理进行了详细讲解。 The composition and principle
鱼油商品名称多烯康,属于动物性不饱和脂肪酸类降脂药品.它来源于海洋的鱼类(肉及肝),另外还可来源于海洋中的藻类植物,已有大量的实验证实鱼富含二十碳五烯酸(EPA Eicosapen