有限责任公司 股份有限公司

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有限责任公司是指由法定人数的股东组成,股东以其出资额为限对公司承担责任,公司以其全部资产对公司债务承担责任的公司。有限责任公司是现代企业的重要标志。根据我国《公司法》第三条,第二章第一节的规定,有限公司有以下的特征:(1)股东仅就其出资额为限对公司负责,公司以其全部资产对公司债务承担责任,这是有限公司与无限公司最大的区别。当公司出现资不低债的情况时股东仅以出资额为限承担债务,不能用出资以外的个人财产来低债;而公司用其全部资产对公司债务承担责任,不能再追究其他财产责任。公司的资产包括:公司设立时股东的出资和设立后生产经营 A limited liability company is a corporation made up of a quorum of shareholders and the shareholders are responsible for the company to the extent of its capital contribution and the company is responsible for the debts of the company with all its assets. Limited liability company is an important symbol of modern enterprises. According to the provisions of Article 3 and Chapter 1, Chapter 2 of the Company Law of the People’s Republic of China, the limited company has the following characteristics: (1) The shareholder is solely responsible for the company for the amount of its capital contribution, and the company takes all its assets Responsibility, which is the biggest difference between limited company and unlimited company. When the company appears that the capital is not low, the shareholder can bear the debt only on the limit of the capital contribution, and can not use the personal property other than the capital to pay the low debt. The company can not hold any other property liability with all its assets. The company’s assets include: the establishment of shareholders when the company invested and set up after the production and operation
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年级:一年级教材:人音版试用教材第二册课题:第七课《大海的歌》课型:综合课课时:第一课时设计思路: 以学习演唱歌曲《海》为主,从感受情绪入手,围绕着唱歌曲 Grade: Grade