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2011年4月7日讯,目前河北省林业外来有害生物已达193种,对森林生态系统的功能和结构产生了不良影响,特别是对生物多样性构成了威胁。过去5年,河北省林业有害生物年均发生面积达4.46万hm2,去年更是达到了57.8万hm2,年均增加约4万hm2。美国白蛾、春尺蠖等常发性有害生物危害加剧,天幕毛虫、舞毒蛾等偶发性有害生物暴发周期缩短。特 April 7, 2011 China’s Hebei Province forestry now has 193 alien species of pests, affecting the function and structure of forest ecosystems, especially threatening biodiversity. In the past five years, the average annual area of ​​forest pests in Hebei Province has reached 44,600 hm2, reaching 578,000 hm2 last year and an average annual increase of about 40,000 hm2. American white moth, spring scale 常 and other pests of habitual increased aggravating, celestial caterpillars, gypsy moth and other occasional pest outbreak cycle shortened. special
Like so many other girls,my self-confidence growing up was almost non-existent.I doubted my abilities,had little faith in my potential and questioned my persona
我国集成电路装备研发和产业化获得重大突破,一批自主装备、材料、工艺已经或即将进入顶级集成电路工厂,用于制造国际主流的65纳米极大规模集成电路。  今天,北京举行会议,相关国家重大科技专项负责人对此成果进行发布,国内集成电路产业链上下游企业与各研发单位签订了首批采购合同。全国政协副主席、科技部部长万钢出席。  中国先进集成电路产业的真正崛起是在21世纪初,但直到五年前,国内集成电路产业链上,核心装备
乳腺癌是美国女性最常见的恶性肿瘤 ,2001年共有192200名妇女诊断为乳腺癌 ,有40600名妇女死于乳腺癌。以往推荐对于50岁以上的妇女每隔1至2年进行乳腺摄片有助于早期发现乳腺癌 ,降低死亡率。最
会议联系方式可在www.uicc.org及www.docguide.com/crc.nsf/web-sPec( *者)下查询2002年英国妇科肿瘤协会会议BritishGynaecologicalCancerSocietyMeeting2002英国伯明翰20 Conference contact information can be found at www. uicc. org and www. docguide. com / crc. nsf /
河北省塞罕坝机械林场是上世纪60年代初期国家投资创办的大型国有林场,目前大部分林分进入中龄林和近熟林,近成过熟林分生长量开始下降,且全场抚育高峰期已过。 The Saihanb
混合信号半导体解决方案供应商IDT公司(Integrated Device Technology,Inc.)宣布,推出业界精度最高的全硅CMOS振荡器,在整个温度、电压和其他因数方面实现了行业领先的100 pp
患男 ,48岁 ,因颈部包块入院。超声所见 :左侧颈总动脉分叉处见一 5 .6cm× 3 .8cm× 3 .2 cm不均质回声肿块 ,下极与颈总动脉分叉平行 ,上极位于下颌上方 2 .0 cm,病灶包绕
Background Non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome (NSTE-ACS) is an acute heart disease caused by incomplete occlusion of related coronary arteries wit
To enhance the electro-optic (EO) modulation efficiency and realize the impedance-matching, a polymer-on-silicon multi-mode interference (MMI) Mach-Zehnder inte