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巴黎的澳大利亚大使馆,有这个国家驻巴黎的三处使节,即驻法国大使,以及驻联合国教科文组织和经济合作与发展组织的使节。建筑物内还包括办理护照签证和审查去澳大利亚移民的领事馆。同时,由于澳大利亚驻巴黎的外交人员很多,而巴黎的住房租金十分昂贵,因此,使馆建筑旁边还单独建了一幢公寓楼,供这个国家驻巴黎的外交人员居住。使馆地段位于塞纳河畔,在尚蕾路和联盟路的转角,面积6280平方米。从这块地段向北望去,是巴黎一条景色庄丽的轴线:轴线的西北方,是夏依奥宫和它前面的特洛迦德花园;塞纳河的这一岸,是埃菲尔铁塔,战神广场,直到 The Australian Embassy in Paris has three diplomatic envoys of this country in Paris, namely, the ambassador to France, and the envoy to UNESCO and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. The building also includes passport visas and a consulate to examine Australian immigrants. At the same time, due to the large number of Australian diplomats in Paris and the very high rental costs in Paris, a separate apartment building was built next to the embassy building for the country’s diplomatic staff in Paris. The embassy section is located on the bank of the Seine River, at the corner of Shanglei Road and Union Road, covering an area of ​​6,280 square meters. Looking northwards from this location, it is the axis of a magnificent view of Paris: northwest of the axis, the Palace of the Chaillot and the Trogand Gardens in front of it; on the shore of the Seine, the Eiffel Tower, Ares Square until
月亮照得亮堂堂的——这是八月十五的月亮,中秋的月亮。  郭风往衣兜里塞了一把水果糖,一把香花生,又把一个大月饼衔在嘴里,然后像猴子一样爬到龙眼树上去赏月。  “别掉下来,把屁股摔破了!”妹妹在树下酸溜溜地喊,因为她爬不上去。  “哈哈,我在上面见着神仙了,蟠桃盛会呢!要不要给你带个口信?”郭风惬意地躺在树枝上,半眯着眼,美滋滋地享用他的冰皮月饼。  “骗人!才不相信!”妹妹朝放烟花的人群跑去,两个
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将数字1~9填入白色空格中。方格中斜线上方的数字为数字右面对应的一组水平面连续白色空格里的数字之和;斜线下方的数字为该 Fill the numbers 1 ~ 9 in white space. The sq
We adopted professional diving players as a typical subject pool to explore whether structural brain differences relative to motor skill acquisition exist betwe
每当提及作文要贴近生活,很多学生幽默地用歌声抱怨:“你的童年,我的童年好象都一样。”看到“送伞啊,让座啊,来学校路上啊,父母亲送我看病啊”这 Whenever a reference to
在我看来,她既可爱又漂亮。我很喜欢她。许多人都说她是一个人造美女,关于这一点,她一点都不否认。或许就是因为她的坦率,许多人都喜欢她,大多数人都喜欢看她的演出。 In my
生活中不能没有友情,但是,究竟应该如何对待一份友谊呢?关于友情问题的信是舒心姐姐收到最多的。这位署名山水的同学有了困惑,让我们一起来读 There can be no friendship i