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以往,水文钻井泥浆泵是以排量/压力标定的,但这是不恰当的。因为泵的性能参数一排量和压力是变的,而功率则是恒定的,并反映泵的工作能力,所以应以功率作为“主参数”来标定泵的规格。为选定泥浆泵的性能参数,就须先分析钻屑上举地面的必要条件。一、钻屑上举地面的必要条件 (一)泥浆上返速度泥浆上返速度常按下式确定: v_(返)=m(u+c)(1)式中u是钻屑在静止泥浆中的沉降速度;c是钻屑上升速度;m是水流垂直截面上泥浆流速的不均匀系,过去取1.2~1.3。按式(1)算得的全面钻进时泥浆上返速度都较大。首先,因为式(1)是在无边界条件下得出的,而井筒的环状空间则是有边界的,故其所受到的流动流体的推动作用是大大超过前者。其次,钻头的旋转运动体 In the past, hydrodynamic drilling mud pumps were calibrated for displacement / pressure but this was not appropriate. Because the pump performance parameters of a displacement and pressure is variable, and the power is constant, and reflects the ability of the pump, so the power should be “main parameter ” to calibrate the pump specifications. In order to select the performance parameters of the mud pump, it is necessary to analyze the necessary conditions for lifting the cuttings on the ground. First, the necessary conditions for drilling cuttings on the ground (A) the rate of return mud Slurry return rate is often determined according to the following formula: v_ (return) = m (u + c) (1) where u is drill cuttings in the static mud In the sedimentation rate; c is the cuttings up rate; m is the vertical section of the flow velocity of the mud on the uneven system, the past take 1.2 ~ 1.3. According to equation (1) is considered when fully drilling mud on the speed of return are larger. First, because Eq. (1) is obtained without boundary conditions, and the wellbore annular space is bounded, the pushing effect of the flowing fluid to which it is subjected greatly exceeds that of the former. Second, the rotary drill body movement
The discussion on the present status of standards for bamboo is made. The main group has 15standards related to bamboo-based panel, bamboo-based panel for form
一直对神秘的海底世界有一种畏惧和憧憬,也想亲手揭开它的神秘面纱。同时体会徜徉于那湛蓝海洋的自由广阔,以慰藉我这颗不安分的心。 Has always been a mysterious underwa