Numerical investigation on broadband mid-infrared supercontinuum generation in chalcogenide suspende

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:heermeisi
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As_2S_3 and As_2Se_3 chalcogenide 3-bridges suspended-core fibers(SCFs) are designed with shifted zero-dispersion wavelengths(ZDWs) at around 1.5 μm, 2 μm, and 2.8 μm, respectively. A generalized nonlinear Schr ¨odinger equation is used to numerically compare supercontinuum(SC) generation in these SCFs pumped at an anomalous dispersion region nearby their ZDWs. Evolutions of the long-wavelength edge(LWE), the power proportion in the long-wavelength region(PPL), and spectral flatness(SF) are calculated and analyzed. Meanwhile, the optimal pump parameters and fiber length are given with LWE, PPL, and SF taken into account. For As_2S_3 SCFs, SC from a 14 mm-long fiber with a ZDW of 2825 nm pumped at 2870 nm can achieve the longest LWE of ~ 13 μm and PPL up to ~72%. For As_2Se_3 SCFs, the LWE of 15.5 μm and the highest PPL of ~ 87% can be achieved in a 10 mm-long fiber with ZDW of 1982 nm pumped at 2000 nm. Although the As_2Se_3 SCFs can achieve much longer LWE than the As_2S_3 SCFs, the core diameter of As_2Se_3 SCFs will be much smaller to obtain a similar ZDW, leading to lower damage threshold and output power. Finally, the optimal parameters for generating SC spanning over different mid-IR windows are given. As2S_3 and As_2Se_3 chalcogenide 3-bridges suspended-core fibers (SCFs) are designed with shifted zero-dispersion wavelengths (ZDWs) at around 1.5 μm, 2 μm, and 2.8 μm, respectively. A generalized nonlinear Schr ¨odinger equation is used to numerically compare supercontinuum (SC) generation in these SCFs pumped at an anomalous dispersion region nearby their ZDWs. Evolutions of the long-wavelength edge (LWE), the power proportion in the long-wavelength region (PPL), and spectral flatness For As_2S_3 SCFs, SC from a 14 mm-long fiber with a ZDW of 2825 nm pumped at 2870 nm can achieve For l_2Se_3 SCFs, the LWE of 15.5 μm and the highest PPL of ~ 87% can be achieved in a 10 mm-long fiber with ZDW of 1982 nm pumped at 2000 nm. Although the As_2Se_3 SCFs can achieve much longer LWE than the As_2S_3 SCFs, the core diameter of As 2 Se 3 SCFs will be much smaller to obtain similar ZDW, leading to lower damage threshold and output power. Finally, the optimal parameters for generating SC spanning over different mid-IR windows are given.
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