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现在传媒经营理念,靠传统办报传统经验理论是解释不了《精品》的经营理念的,或者说是解释不通的,比方说传统的办报理论,办好报纸,发行量越大,读者越多,广告就越多,这个逻辑目前已经被颠覆了。 At present, the media management concept can not explain the business philosophy of “quality products” by means of the traditional experience of running the newspaper. In other words, the traditional newspaper-run theory and the newspaper run well, the larger the circulation, the more readers , The more advertising, the logic has now been subverted.
Salesmen depend upon the person-to-person approach in try-ing to persuade consumers to buy. Advertising, however, has todepend upon reaching consumers indirect
本篇以一个随父母从德国城市移居到加拿大大草原地区的小女孩的眼光,描写了加拿大大草原区的田野风光、风土人情,笔触颇为细腻。 This article describes the Canadian land
Mom put a heavy wool hat on Grandpa’s head.“Now,”shesaid,“You will not get cold.Wait until I get your gloves.”“Do not get them,”Grandpa said.“My hands
It seemed like a quick and easy way to double the value of hisChristmas fund.But when the 14-year-old boy slipped a crisp$ 50 bill onto his school’s new compu