完善镇级财政体制 增强镇级财政保障能力

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为进一步深化镇财政体制改革,建立更加科学合理的财政体制,调动镇级经济发展、壮大财源的积极性,积极有效推进城乡统筹、构建和谐九龙。重庆市九龙坡区财政局按照“保运转、重激励、促发展”的原则,统筹兼顾,从五个方面对镇级财政管理体制进行了完善。一、明确收入范围。按属地原则,对镇级行政辖区范围内企业缴纳的区级工商税收,均纳入镇级财政收入范围,激励镇级开展协税护税工作的积极性;同时,开发了税收分析统计系统软件,认真作好收入统计工作,以规范收入申报审 In order to further deepen the reform of the town’s financial system, establish a more scientific and rational financial system, mobilize the enthusiasm of town-level economic development and financial resources, actively and effectively promote urban-rural co-ordination and build a harmonious Kowloon. Jiulongpo District Bureau of Finance in Chongqing in accordance with the principle of “turn around, re-encourage, promote development ”, take all factors into account, from five aspects of the town financial management system has been perfected. First, a clear revenue range. According to the principle of territoriality, the district-level industrial and commercial taxes and levies paid by the enterprises within the scope of the administrative area at the town level are incorporated into the scope of the township financial revenue and motivate the township level to carry out the work of tax collection and tax protection; meanwhile, the tax analysis and statistical system software Do a good job in income statistics, to standardize income reporting trial
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