Lead poisoning in new immigrant children from the mainland of China

来源 :Chinese Medical Journal | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sprach
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Objective To define the prevalence, severity and risk factors for lead poisoning in new immigrant children from the mainland of China to Hong Kong, China.Methods New immigrant children from the mainland of China under 18 years of age were invited to join the study. Their growth parameters and venous blood lead levels (BLL) were measured within 7 days of arrival. Those with elevated BLL i.e. >10?μg/dl (0.48?μmol/L) were assessed for signs, symptoms and risk factors of lead poisoning. Education on the prevention of lead poisoning and follow up BLL measurements were offered until their BLL normalized.Results Four hundred and fifty-seven children were recruited. Among them, 18.1% and 2.6% had BLL >0.48 and 0.71?μmol/L, respectively. None had BLL >0.96?μmol/L. Possible risk factors included contaminated drinking water (19%), herb ingestion (17.5%), pica, playing in dumping grounds, residing near paint factories or highways, habitual inhalation of car exhaust and cooking with petroleum. Symptoms and signs included abdominal pain, headache, short stature, and learning difficulties but did not correlate with BLL. None required treatment except for counseling on the avoidance of risk factors. About 94.7% showed a reduction in BLL 2-3 months after arrival and before counseling. All had normalized BLL by 9 months except 1 who had an X-ray feature of lead line.Conclusions Lead poisoning is common in new immigrant children from the mainland of China. Environmental factors were most important while behavioral factors like regular herb ingestion might have contributed to the persistence of high BLL in the minority. Objective To define the prevalence, severity and risk factors for lead poisoning in new immigrant children from the mainland of China to Hong Kong, China.Methods New immigrant children from the mainland of China under 18 years of age were invited to join the study. Their Those with elevated BLL ie> 10 μg / dl (0.48 μmol / L) were assessed for signs, symptoms and risk factors of lead poisoning. Education On the prevention of lead poisoning and follow up BLL measurements were offered until their BLL normalized. Results Four hundred and fifty-seven children were recruited. Among them, 18.1% and 2.6% had BLL> 0.48 and 0.71 μmol / L, respectively. None had BLL> 0.96? Μmol / L. Possible risk factors included contaminated drinking water (19%), herb ingestion (17.5%), pica, playing in dumping grounds, residing near paint factories or highways, habitual inhalation of car exhaust and cooking with petrole um. Symptoms and signs included abdominal pain, headache, short stature, and learning difficulties but did not correlate with BLL. None required treatment except for for counseling on the avoidance of risk factors. About 94.7% showed a reduction in BLL 2-3 months after arrival and before counseling. All had normalized BLL by 9 months except 1 who had an X-ray feature of lead line. Conclusions Lead poisoning is common in new immigrant children from the mainland of China. Environmental factors were most important while behavioral factors like regular herb ingestion might have contributed to the persistence of high BLL in the minority.
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