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1924年孙中山绕道日本北上,在神户发表大亚洲主义演讲一事,历来为中外学人所关注。然而,众多的解读评价争议甚大。以后来外在的标准为尺度准绳的望文生义,固然是隔靴搔痒的门外文谈,即使依据一定方面的材料事实加以检讨,也难免陷入罗生门式的各说各话而不能贯通无碍,以至孙中山的本意、当时各方的理解以及后来的认识之间,差距不小,凸显后人观念与前人本意及史事本相的差异隔膜。借鉴前贤以俱舍宗治俱舍学之法,应改变但凭己意直面文本的妄加揣度,从中日关系乃至世界格局变动的大势实情着眼,前后左右上下内外地通语境以解文本,继而从中日朝野以及亚洲各国的反应来考察其实际效应。如此,庶几可以回到历史现场,接近孙中山的本意,把握所指的意涵,多视角考察演讲所产生的政治与社会反响。 In 1924, Sun Yat-sen detoured Japan northward and made a big Asian speech in Kobe, which has always been of concern to Chinese and foreign scholars. However, many interpretations and evaluations are very controversial. Afterwards, the external standard is regarded as the standard and principle of the standard. Although it is an insinuation, even if it is reviewed on the basis of material facts of certain aspects, it will inevitably fall into the Ramsay’s various rhetorical discourse and will not be able to pass through completely. As a result, At the time, the differences between various parties’ understanding and later understanding were not small, highlighting the difference between the concept of posterity and the intention of predecessors and the historical facts. Drawing lessons from the prejudices of the rule of law and the rule of law in the society of accommodation, we should change our understanding of the facts of the text by looking at the general situation of Sino-Japanese relations as well as changes in the world. Examine the actual effect from the reactions of Japan, the ruling and opposition parties and other Asian countries. In this way, we can return to the historical scene and approach the original intention of Dr. Sun Yat-sen to grasp the meaning and the multi-perspectives we refer to for political and social repercussions.
本文介绍了研制的 CJS—40型高低温橡胶松弛试验机的主要性能及其原理、结构和调试结果。该试验机头数为三头,每头最大负荷为500公斤,试验温度范围为-45℃~+350℃,变形测量范
九年义务教育小学数学第十册中有分数大小的比较,通过教学实践得出:分数大小的比较可以通过找“中介数”作为标准来比较。 要找“中介数”作为标准,必须是这个“中介数”的
教学思路 关节的知识,是卫生健康教育的载体,教育学生爱护自己的关节;自己身上的关节是学生的认识对象。因此无论进行卫生健康教育,学知识,都不能单靠教师讲,教学过程不应是
【Abstract】The imagine of Shelley’s “Ode to the west wind” vividly represent manly beauty. Reading this poem, we feel a vast boundless and grand emotional world.  【Key words】idea; boundless; vigour; ar