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You who are letting miserable misunderstandings run on from year to year, meaning to clear them up some day; you who are keeping wretched1 quarrels alive because you can not quite make up your mind that now is the day to sacrifice your pride and kill them; you who are passing men suddenly upon the street, not speaking to them out of some silly spite2 and yet knowing that it would fill you with some shame and remorse3 if you heard that one of You who are letting miserable misunderstandings run on from year to year, meaning to clear them up some day; you who are keeping wretched1 quarrels alive because you can not quite make your mind that now is the day to sacrifice your pride and kill them; you who are passing menntly upon the street, not speaking to them out of some silly spite2 and yet knowing that it would fill you with some shame and remorse3 if you heard that one of
BL1101系列电路是由上海贝岭微电子制造有限公司采用硅栅 CMOS 工艺制造的电话机专用拨号集成电路,能输出双音多频(DTMF)或脉冲(PULSE)两种形式的拨号信号,具有免提拨号、首
采用后布局EDA工具来验证晶片设计,是晶片投产前检查的最后一次机会。选用适当的EDA工具,有助于下决心是否迈出千金一掷的那一步。 The use of post-layout EDA tools to va
他们自己背负包裹,他们自己徒步前行,他们自己亲近自然,他们自己已经历风险,他们自己叫自己“驴”。 中国的“驴人”群体正在迅速增加,通过像北大山鹰似的行动,这个群体为中
一、企业职业道德教育的难点 1.思想认识难提高。相当一部分企业领导对职业道德教育的艰巨性和长期性认识不足,认为它不象抓生产、抓经营那样能立竿见影,马上能取得成效,因而
“选择了一个人就是选择了一个世界”。 这本是就婚配而言,孰料中国足球界 “Choose a person is to choose a world.” This is the marriage, the Chinese football comm