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陕西省音乐家协会选送的歌手王潇在经过初赛、复赛激烈的角逐后,最终进入决赛,并以全场最高分第一名的优异成绩荣获第六届“神州唱响”全国高校声乐比赛学生组流行唱法金奖……2015年1月30日,由中国音乐家协会、东莞市东城区办事处共同主办,中国音协高校音乐联盟、东莞市音乐家协会、东莞市东城区文化服务中心、深圳市立音文化产业投资有限公司承办的第六届“神州唱响”全国高校声乐比赛在广东省东莞市落下帷幕。陕 Shaanxi Provincial Musicians Association selected singer Wang Xiao after the preliminary race, semi-finals fierce competition eventually entered the final, and the highest score of the audience first place outstanding achievements won the sixth “Divine singing ” national college vocal On January 30, 2015, co-sponsored by China Musicians Association and Dongcheng District of Dongguan City, China Music Association of Music Association, Dongguan Musicians Association, Dongcheng District Cultural Service Center of Dongguan City , The sixth session of “Shengzhou Sing” hosted by Shenzhen Linyin Cultural Industry Investment Co., Ltd. ended in the city of Dongguan, Guangdong Province. Shaanxi
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Based on the hydrodynamic model and the Xinanjiang model, the river stage forecasting model has been proposed. But its performance is not satisfactory as applie
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