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记者:这次青岛市赴新加坡、香港服务贸易推介会是在什么样的背景下举办的,为什么在此时、彼地?郄晋生:这次推介会是《内地与香港关于建立更紧密经贸关系的安排》(简称CEPA)签署后我市在香港举办的第一次大型招商活动,也是我市首次就服务贸易举办专题推介。由此可见市委、市政府对发展我市服务业的高度重视。新加坡、中国香港是全球服务业最发达的国家和地区之一,当地的服务业,特别是现代服务业市场发育完善、行业门类齐全、资本运行顺畅、高层人才聚集、积累了丰富的发展经验。我国加入WTO以后,特别是CEPA的签订,新、港的服务业也有着向外扩张与延伸的需求,对我们来说这是一次难得的机遇,因此,我们这次去的任务就是实地考察,学习经验,广泛联络,推介市南,谋求合作。记者:市委、市政府确定把市南区打造成青岛的服务贸易聚集区,那么,市南区在发展现代服务业方面有哪些优势条件呢? Reporter: This time Qingdao City went to Singapore and the Hong Kong Trade Promotion Council was held under what kind of background. Why is this? At that time, he said: “This promotion is” a forum on the promotion of closer trade and economic cooperation between the Mainland and Hong Kong Arrangement "(hereinafter referred to as CEPA) after the signing of the city held in Hong Kong’s first large-scale investment promotion activities, but also the city for the first time on trade in services to organize special promotion. This shows that municipal party committee and municipal government attach great importance to the development of our city’s service industry. Singapore, China Hong Kong is one of the most developed countries and regions in the world in terms of service industries. The local service industries, especially the modern service market, have developed well, and have a comprehensive range of industries, smooth operation of capital, high-level talent pool and rich experience in development. After China’s accession to the WTO, especially the signing of CEPA, the service industries in the new and the Hong Kong ports also have the demand for outward expansion and expansion. This is a rare opportunity for us. Therefore, the task we are going to here is to conduct site visits, Learning experience, extensive contact, promote City South, seeking cooperation. Reporter: Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government have decided to build Shonan into a gathering area for service trade in Qingdao. What are the advantages of Shinan District in developing modern service industry?
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Need analysis is not only the important basis for the planning and innovation of teaching,but the starting point to carry out basic teaching activities.This stu
记者袁斌报道8这个数字,很多中国人都喜欢将它谐音为“发”。英特尔公州的 CEO 克瑞格·贝瑞特的第8次访华,让这个吉祥的数字变成了现实的经济效益。8月27日,贝瑞特与四川省