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各位同志,各位專家,教授:今天能召開全國性的農業生產會議,我感到十分興奮愉快。全國人民解放戰爭已取得了基木上的勝利,勝利給我們帶來興奮,帶來光明和幸福,同時也給我們提出了新的複雜艱難而偉大的任務。中國目前還是一個以農業經濟爲主體的國家,農業經濟佔整個經濟比重的百分之八、九十,恢復和發展農業經濟,在當前是極其重要的。一九五○年農業生產所處的環境是嶄新的空前未有的。首先是革命的勝利,人民民主專政的確立,使我們有可能在一切沒有戰爭的地區,以大力領導人民進行生產。目前已經有一萬萬五千萬人口與近六萬萬畝土地的地區完成了土地改革,確立了新的耕者有其田的制度,在這些地區裏,幾千年來的封建壓迫與剝削制度,已經澈底消滅了,農民開始在自己的土地上自由地進行生產,一定會全力集中到生產發家的運動上去。新區土地改革,雖然還未實行,但廣泛的人民民主運勁,澈底肅清土匪、進行反奸 Ladies and gentlemen, experts and professors: I am very excited and excited to have a nationwide conference on agricultural production today. The victory of the people’s liberation war has won the victory of foundation and the victory has brought us excitement, bringing light and happiness. At the same time, it has also brought us new and complex but difficult tasks. At present, China is still a country dominated by the agricultural economy. The agricultural economy accounts for 80% and 90% of the total economy. It is of vital importance to restore and develop the agricultural economy at present. The environment in which agricultural production was situated in 1950 was a new and unprecedented one. The first is the victory of the revolution and the establishment of the people’s democratic dictatorship so that it is possible for us to vigorously lead the people in production in all areas where there is no war. At present, the land reform has been completed in areas with a population of 150 million and a land area of ​​nearly 60 million mu, establishing a system of new farmers with their own land. In these areas, the system of feudal oppression and exploitation for thousands of years Has been thoroughly eliminated and the peasants have begun to freely produce on their own land and will concentrate their energies on the production and development of the movement. Although the land reform in the new zone has not been implemented yet, extensive people’s democracy exerts strength to thoroughly eliminate the bandits and carry out anti-rape
(一) 是资產階級猖狂進攻呢还是人民政府采取‘削平’政策呢去年年終,毛主席號召全國人民和一切工作人員,大张旗鼓地、雷厲風行地開展一个大規模的反貪污、反浪费、反官僚主
一九五三年的春耕季节已经到来,全省动员起来,保证四千五百万亩秋田适时播种及一千七百万亩麦田的适时耘锄,保证实现增产计划, 为我们当前农村压倒一切的中心任务,所有农村