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2004年是实现“十五”计划的关键一年,也是全面落实十六大和十六届三中全会精神,深化改革、扩大开放、促进发展的重要一年。做好今年各项水利工作,意义重大。总的要求是,以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,全面贯彻十六大、十六届三中全会精神和中央水利工作方针,坚持以人为本,树立全面、协调、可持续的发展观,统筹兼顾、突出重点、扎实工作、服务大局,加强水利管理,深化水利改革,加快水利发展,全面推进可持续发展水利,为全面完成水利“十五”计划的目标打好基础,为国民经济持续健康协调快速发展和社会全面进步提供保障。 一、做好防汛抗旱工作 去年主汛期我国南方大部分地区降水明显偏少,北方地区已连续几年干旱,水利工程蓄水普遍不足。今冬 2004 is a crucial year for implementing the 10th Five-Year Plan. It is also an important year for implementing the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the Third Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee, deepening reform, opening wider to the outside world and promoting development. Do a good job in all water conservancy work this year, of great significance. The general requirement is to follow the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of Three Represents and fully implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Congress and the 16th Plenary Session of the CPC Central Committee and the guidelines of the Central Water Conservancy and adhere to the people-oriented principle and establish a comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development And make overall plans to take all factors into consideration, give prominence to the key points, work hard, serve the overall interests, strengthen water management, deepen the water conservancy reform, speed up the development of water conservancy, comprehensively promote sustainable development of water conservancy and lay a solid foundation for the full implementation of the “10th Five-Year Plan” for water conservancy. The sustained, healthy and coordinated development of economy will provide guarantee for the all-round social progress. First, good flood control and drought relief Last year, the main flood season in southern China significantly less precipitation in most parts of the northern region has been drought for several years, water conservancy projects are generally inadequate water storage. This winter
同质化竞争差异定胜负,体验是关键  位于王府井商圈核心地带的北京apm购物中心,前身是新东安商场。2007年翻新完毕后,新东安商场一改往日传统面貌,在具有老北京特色的王府井步行街上摇身一变成为北京又一潮流圣地,深受时尚潮牌、特色餐饮品牌的青睐。我们特别采访到了北京apm推广部助理经理郝佳,一起谈谈这十年来北京apm的蜕变。  据郝佳经理介绍,近十年间,北京apm在不断地做出改变。“5\6餐饮层到3
在2005年8月刊上,我引用了特雷克斯·德马格Klaus Meissner关于起重机设计及设计师特征的一个短语.他在今年初阿姆斯特丹举行的起重机安全与管理研讨会上所做的精辟演讲结束
古龙有句话:“一个人如果走投无路,心一窄想寻短见,就放他去菜市场。”菜场,最烟火气的所在,一头连着往昔岁月,一头贴着当下脉搏,不加修饰,却是最有故事和疗愈功能的窗口,也能窥探到一座城市的内部。  民国文坛美食家汪曾祺先生曾经写过:“到了一个新地方,有人爱逛百货公司,有人爱逛书店,我宁可去逛逛菜市。看看生鸡活鸭、新鲜水灵的瓜菜、彤红的辣椒,热热闹闹,挨挨挤挤,让人感到一种生之乐趣。”说到菜场的乐趣,
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