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鼓励农民入股,扩大供销社的民办因素,是供销社当前一项重要任务.我县对农民入社,实行股数不限,保息分红,入股自愿,退股自由的办法,取得了好的效果.但由于存在着核算手续繁琐,使股东人退不便,影响这项工作的发展.因此,我提出几点改进意见,供参考. 1、现在农民已把供销社视为自己的企业,愿将闲散资金投社入股,一旦急需也可退股,因而股金增减事项变得较为频繁,建议在一个区基层供销社,以划小核算单位(供销分店)所辖地域范围为基础,建立办理社员股金入退的办事机构,配备专职或兼职人员,常年办公,随来随办. 2、社员股金证,是社员入股的凭证,过去的 To encourage peasants to enter into shares and expand the non-governmental factors of the supply and marketing cooperatives is an important task of the supply and marketing cooperatives nowadays. Our county has obtained good results when peasants join the society and implement the principle of unlimited number of shares, interest-bearing dividends, voluntary participation in stocks and freedom of stock withdrawal However, due to the complicated accounting procedures and the inconvenience of shareholders, the development of this work will be affected, therefore, I would like to make some suggestions for improvement: 1. Now that the peasants have regarded the supply and marketing cooperatives as their own enterprises, Hedge funds into the stock market, once the urgency can also be withdrawn shares, stock changes become more frequent, it is recommended in a district grassroots supply and marketing cooperatives, to small units (supply and marketing branch) under the jurisdiction of the geographical scope of the establishment of handling Members of the retirement of the shares of the offices, with full-time or part-time staff, perennial office, with the office .2, member stock certificate, members of the shares of the certificate, the past
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由赤峰市人民政府、中国航空器拥有者及驾驶员协会(Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association Of China,AOPA-China)主办,赤峰市克什克腾旗人民政府、赤峰乌兰布统文化旅游景