
来源 :沈阳故宫博物院院刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:juyang0303
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关于辽阳的《大金喇嘛法师宝记》~①碑(以下简称:《大金喇嘛》碑),早在100多年前就已经成为历史学术研究课题,至今已有很多中外专家学者著文研究。然而,《大金喇嘛》碑何时进入学术领域,它的意义和学术价值何在?迄今为止,有关研究文章,就此所展现在人们面前的还很模糊。本文试图从我国清史研究的宏观角度,结合对清史著述有关章节的分析,去弄清这些问题,还原《大金喇嘛》碑在清史研究中的本来面貌。让人们了解和认识《大金喇嘛》碑作为历史文物的珍贵性质,以及所特有的丰富的历史文化内涵。 As for the “Daikin Lama Master Poetic Record” ~ ① monument (hereinafter referred to as the “Daikin Lama” monument) in Liaoyang, it has been a subject of historical academic research more than 100 years ago. So far, there are many Chinese and foreign experts and scholars studying the essay. However, when does the “Daikin Lama” monument enter the academic field, what is its significance and academic value? So far, the relevant research articles are still in the front of people. This paper tries to clarify these problems and restore the original appearance of the “Daikin Lama” monument in the study of Qing history from the macroscopic point of view of the research of Qing history of our country combined with the analysis of the relevant chapters of Qing history. Let people know and understand the “Golden Lama” monument as a valuable feature of historical relics, as well as the unique rich historical and cultural connotation.
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