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近年来总想政治课高考、会考注意考查学生的综合分析能力,较多采用以材料为内容的论述题型.这种题型文字量多,运用知识解题要求高,不少考生难以适应,失分较普遍.为了帮助学生提高鉴别题型,掌握解题思路,提高解题的能力,这里分别就政治常识、经济常识,哲学常识内容举三例说明.例题一:我国社会主义民主从基本制度上说,巳经解决了人民当家作主的问题,从历史发展进程来说,它是更高类型的民主.但是,由于它还不够完善和成熟,因而影响了人民民主权利的充分行使,只有不断完善和发展社会主义民主,才能使这种最高类型的民主逐渐变为现实.而资本主义民主虽然已经发展到相当完备的程度,但是它并没有改变资本主义民主是少数人享有的民主的本质.请用所学的知识分析:(1)为什么说我国社会主义民主是最高类型的民生?(2)有的人以我国社会主义民主还不够完善和成熟为理由,否定我国社会主义制度的优越性.甚至认为它不如资本主义民主.产生这种错误认识的原因是什么?(3)既然我国社会主义民主是最高类型的民主,为什么还要进行社会主义民主建设?解题思路:这是一道对比分析型的论述题,题意要求认清社会主义民主和资产阶级民主的不同本质.正确理解社会主义民主建设的长期性及其对促进社会主义现代化建设的重大意义.在答题中,对 In recent years, I always wanted to take the political class entrance exam and the entrance examination to pay attention to the comprehensive analysis ability of the students. We used the essay questions based on materials as the content. This type of text has many questions and the use of knowledge to solve problems requires high requirements, and many candidates are difficult to adapt. Mistakes are more common. In order to help students improve the types of questions identified, master problem-solving ideas, and improve the ability to solve problems, here are three examples of political common sense, economic common sense, philosophical common sense content. Example 1: China’s socialist democracy from the basic Institutionally speaking, er, after solving the problem that the people are the masters of the country, is a higher type of democracy in terms of historical development. However, because it is still not perfect and mature, it has affected the full exercise of people’s democratic rights. Only by constantly perfecting and developing a socialist democracy can this type of democracy be gradually turned into a reality. Although capitalist democracy has developed to a fairly complete degree, it has not changed the fact that capitalist democracy is a democracy enjoyed by a small number of people. Essence. Please use the knowledge you have learned to analyze: (1) Why do we say that China’s socialist democracy is the highest type of people’s livelihood? (2) Some people still fail to use our country’s socialist democracy. Well-developed and mature enough to justify the negation of the superiority of our socialist system, or even to think that it is inferior to capitalist democracy. What is the reason for this misperception? (3) Since China’s socialist democracy is the highest type of democracy, why We must carry out socialist democracy construction. Problem solving: This is a comparative and analytical essay topic. It requires a clear understanding of the different nature of socialist democracy and bourgeois democracy. Correct understanding of the long-term nature of socialist democratic construction and its promotion The great significance of socialist modernization construction. In the answer,
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