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患者33岁,因停经55天、恶心1周,于1996年11月27日就诊。既往月经规律,末次月经1996年10月 3日。G3A2P1,4年前因右侧输卵管妊娠破裂行右侧输卵管切除术。妇科检查:阴道正常,宫颈光滑,子宫后位,稍大,软,活动,无压痛,双侧附件区正常。尿妊 The patient, 33 years old, was hospitalized for nausea for 55 days and was nauseated for 1 week and was admitted on November 27, 1996. Past menstrual regularity, the last menstrual October 3, 1996. G3A2P1, 4 years ago, abercrombie and fitch, Gynecological examination: normal vagina, cervix smooth, posterior uterus, slightly larger, soft, activity, no tenderness, bilateral attachment area normal. Urine pregnancy
Antisense oligonucleotides(ASONs) and siRNAs have been applied extensively for the regulation of cellular and viral gene expression,and RNAi is currently one of
强直性脊椎炎536例误诊分析白求恩国际和平医院[050082]康尔竹,于有山,惠乃玲,张志贵强直性脊椎炎(AnkylosingSpondylitis,AS)起病隐袭,早期不易诊断,可与多种疾病相混淆,以致延误诊断影响治疗。1984年~1993 年我院... 536 cases
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Preparation of dispersed transition metal oxides catalyst with low oxidation state still remains a challenging task in heterogeneous catalysis.In this study,van
Poly(vinylidene fluoride)(PVDF) and poly(butylene succinate-co-24 mol% hexamethylene succinate)(PBHS), both crystalline polymers, formed melt-miscible crystalli