Unconditional and Conditional QTL Mapping for Tiller Numbers at Various Stages with Single Segment S

来源 :Agricultural Sciences in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhouyong
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Tiller is one of the most important agronomic traits which influences quantity and quality of effective panicles and finally influences yield in rice.It is important to understand“static”and“dynamic”information of the QTLs for tillers in rice. This work was the first time to simultaneously map unconditional and conditional QTLs for tiller numbers at various stages by using single segment substitution lines in rice.Fourteen QTLs for tiller number,distributing on the corresponding substitution segments of chromosomes 1,2,3,4,6,7 and 8 were detected.Both the number and the effect of the QTLs for tiller number were various at different stages,from 6 to 9 in the number and from 1.49 to 3.49 in the effect,respectively. Tiller number QTLs expressed in a time order,mainly detected at three stages of 0-7 d,14-21 d and 35-42 d after transplanting with 6 positive,9 random and 6 negative expressing QTLs,respectively.Each of the QTLs expressed one time at least during the whole duration of rice.The tiller number at a specific stage was determined by sum of QTL effects estimated by the unconditional method,while the increasing or decreasing number in a given time interval was controlled by the total of QTL effects estimated by the conditional method.These results demonstrated that it is highly effective and accurate for mapping of the QTLs by using single segment substitution lines and the conditional analysis methodology. Tiller is one of the most important agronomic traits which influences quantity and quality of effective panicles and finally affecting yield in rice. It is important to understand “static ” and “dynamic ” information of the QTLs for tillers in rice. work was the first time to time map unconditional and conditional QTLs for tiller numbers at various stages by using single segment substitution lines in rice. Fourteen QTLs for tiller number, distributing on the corresponding substitution segments of chromosomes 1,2,3,4,6 , 7 and 8 were detected. The number and the effect of the QTLs for tiller number were various at different stages, from 6 to 9 in the number and from 1.49 to 3.49 in the effect, respectively. Tiller number QTLs expressed in a time order, mainly detected at three stages of 0-7 d, 14-21 d and 35-42 d after transplanting with 6 positive, 9 random and 6 negative expressing QTLs, respectively. Each of the QTLs expressed one time at least during the whole duration of rice The tiller number at a specific stage was determined by the unconditional method, while the increasing or decreasing number was a given time interval was controlled by the total of QTL effects estimated by the conditional method. it is highly effective and accurate for mapping of the QTLs by using single segment substitution lines and the conditional analysis methodology.
摘 要: 对话教学中的对话应该是多角度的对话。教师精心备课,“师”“本”对话。课堂上创造良好环境,师生之间平等对话。师生要真正形成对话,还需要巧妙提问。学生是课堂的主体,小组之间需要合作,生生之间需要对话。另外,教师要广泛联系实际,让学生和生活对话。  关键词: 思想品德教学 对话教学 多角度  所谓对话教学,是指发生在教学过程和教学情境中的对话,我们又称之为“教学对话”。对话教学法就是在课堂教学
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