
来源 :钻井液与完井液 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lixin200513137149
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1,无污染合成基钻井液(不携带钻屑者)的排放:零排放。 2,合成基钻井液钻屑的排放:① 合成基钻井液的总体含量:多核芳烃含量不大于10mg/L;应用U.K.实验方法对沉淀物进行检验,生物降解速率最小;应用Leptocheirus Plumnoisus进行沉淀毒性实验,期限不大于10d。② 受合成基钻片液污染的钻屑的排放:静态荧光实验中无游离油显示;小于原油的最大容限污染;钻屑中合成基钻井液残余含量不大于9.42%。③ 残余物的排放:重晶石中含汞量不大于1mg/kg,重晶 1, non-polluting synthetic drilling fluid (who do not carry cuttings) emissions: zero emissions. 2. Drilling cuttings emissions from synthetic drilling fluids: ① The total content of synthetic drilling fluid: the content of polynuclear aromatics is not more than 10mg / L; the sediment should be tested by UK test method with minimal biodegradation rate; the sedimentation toxicity should be tested with Leptocheirus Plumnoisus Experiment, the period is not more than 10d. (2) The discharge of drill cuttings contaminated by the synthetic base drilling fluid shows no free oil in the static fluorescence test; it is less than the maximum allowable contamination of the crude oil; and the residual content of the synthetic drilling fluid in the cuttings is not more than 9.42%. ③ residue emissions: barite mercury content of not more than 1mg / kg, heavy crystal
通过介绍永久型封隔器特性测定曲线,阐述了封隔器常见的七种失效模式及其影响和失效的预防措施,并说明了封隔器特性测定曲线在完井作业中的用途。 By introducing the curve
坝名国家建成年份坝高(米)坝顶长 (米)坝顶宽!坝基宽(米)!(米)坝体积(万米3)水库容积(亿米3)地震烈度50062 25一64{1 1425。6!200595.73 809 123 921飞6 94。0511:二O 4 飞13
Looking for new light sources,especially short wavelength laser light sources has attracted widespread attention.This paper analytically describes the radiation