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新丰县遥田中心小学36年来,校长换了一个又一个,学生走了一批又一批,但坚持拥军优属、学雷锋做好事的光荣传统却从未间断过。学校被省委、省政府、广州军区授予“拥军优属模范单位”的光荣称号。遥田中心小学属革命老区遥田镇江下村,该村过去与联丰、竹岭、石教等四个村合并为江石村,四面群山环绕,山高林密,地势险要。在革命战争年代,李雀、龙景山、邬强、李东明、何俊才、冼麟等革命前辈曾在这里战斗过。1949年1月,根据中国人民解放军粤赣湘边纵队司令部命令,由前粤赣先遣支队,江北人民自卫总队,英、翁、佛民主先锋队及佛冈人民义勇大队等人民武装统一合编的北江第一支队就在这里举行成立大会。1995年12月,这里举行北江第一支队成立大会会址纪念碑揭幕大会,何 For 36 years since the school opened in Xifeng Central Primary School of Xinfeng County, the principals have changed one after another, and students have gone one after another. However, they insist on the glorious tradition of doing good to learn from Lei Jun and never stopped doing so. School was the provincial party committee, provincial government, Guangzhou Military Region awarded “Yongjun superior model unit ” glorious title. The center of the prefecture is a village in the lower reaches of Jiangzijiang in the town of Yaotian, the old revolutionary capital. The village was merged with the four villages of Lianfeng, Zhuling and Shijiao into the village of Jiangshi. Surrounded by mountains and mountains, the mountain is high and densely populated. In the era of revolutionary war, the revolutionary predecessors such as Li Que, Long Jingshan, Wu Qiang, Li Dongming, He Juncai and Xian Lin had fought here. In January 1949, according to the command of the commanders of the Chinese people's Liberation Army, the Hunan-Gansu-Hunan border columns, the armed forces of the former Guangdong-Jiangxi Pianist Detachment, the Jiangbei People's Self-Defense Corps, the British, the Weng and the Buddhist Vanguard, and the Fogang People's Yiyong Brigade The first detachment of the North River held its inaugural meeting here. December 1995, where the first detachment of the North River held the assembly site monument opening ceremony, what
我们检测了84例慢性肝病患者血清叶酸水平,现报道如下。材料和方法 一、对象:慢性肝病患者84例(男73,女11),其中慢性迁延性肝炎(CPH)6例,慢性活动性肝炎(CAH)15例,肝炎后肝
研究了初、高中物理的台阶 ,提出台阶产生的原因和帮助学生尽快跨上台阶的办法 Studied the physical steps of primary and secondary high school, put forward the cause
10月26日,冶金价格协会二届五次常务理事(扩大)会议在杭钢召开。钢铁行业60多名代表参加了会议。冶金价格协会会长、副会长、常务理事、理事等大部分领导出席了会议。 Octob