
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(胃肠病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yan983524
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Introduction: Bezoars are retained concretions of animal or vegetable material in the gastrointestinal tract. Most bezoars reside in the stomach, but they may be encountered elsewhere. Previous gastric surgery, which has resulted in impaired gastric emptying and/or decreased acid production, is usually the cause of bezoars. Phytobezoars are more common, while trichobezoars are rare. Endoscopy and gastrografin swallow may aid in diagnosis. The treatment of bezoars can be either conservative or surgical. Methods: After searching the computerized medical database, all files of hospitalized patients in the years 1992 to 2002 with the diagnoses “bezoars,”“phytobezoars,”and “tricobezoars”were evaluated. Results: Eighteen patients had bezoars: 16 had phytobezoars and 2 patients were diagnosed as having trichobezoars. Eleven of the patients had previous gastric operation. All patients but one were treated surgically. Two unusual cases of trichobe zoar are presented here. Discussion: Thorough understanding of bezoars can allow the clinician to be especially alert when dealing with those patients most likely to develop them, and thus diagnose the condition at an early stage. Introduction: Bezoars are retained concretions of animal or vegetable material in the gastrointestinal tract. Most bezoars reside in the stomach, but they may be encountered elsewhere. Previous gastric surgery, which has resulted in impaired gastric emptying and / or decreased acid production, is usually the cause of bezoars. Phytobezoars are more common, while trichobezoars are rare. Endoscopy and gastrografin swallow may aid in diagnosis. Methods: After searching the computerized medical database, all files of hospitalized patients in The years 1992 to 2002 with the diagnoses “bezoars,” “phytobezoars,” and “tricobezoars” were evaluated. Results: Eighteen patients had bezoars: 16 had phytobezoars and 2 patients were diagnosed with having trichobezoars. Eleven of the patients had previous gastric operation All patients but one were treated surgically. Two unusual cases of trichobe zoar are presented here. Discussion : Thorough understanding of bezoars can allow the clinician to be even alert when dealing with those patients most likely to develop them, and thus diagnose the condition at an early stage.
AIM: To assess the efficacy of hemoclip application in combination with epinephrine injection in the treatment of bleeding peptic ulcers and to compare the clin
0 Introduction The surprising growth of the Internet, coupled with the rapid development of Web technique and more and more emergence of web information
每次出刊后,编辑部都能收到大量的读者来电、来信。而这封热心读者寄来的信件着实把小编给深深地感动到了。真挚之情,不言而喻。感谢这位朋友对我们的关爱,也感谢各位忠实读者对我们的支持!  亲爱的小编:  你好!  去年的今天我成为一名高三学生,带着对未来的期盼踏上了新的旅程。有很多瞬间很快乐、很惆怅,那些片段都构成了我美好的回忆,就让我诉说给陪伴了我一年的《求学》听吧。  故事一:连续一星期专门路过前门
很显然,士兵所从事的工作是世界上最危险的。不过,有些危险不是来自敌人袭击、友军走火或是疾病困扰,而是来自他们的指挥官的愚蠢命令。现在想象一下,你就是这样一个因为指挥官的愚蠢命令而被置于险境的可怜士兵。  步兵,退到骑士之后!  战争:罗马入侵帕提亚之战,公元前44年  统帅:克拉苏  克拉苏因打败传奇将领斯巴达克斯所率领的奴隶军团而成名,他本人一跃成为罗马首富。为了扬名天下,他想发动大规模的炫耀式