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刘生荣老中医年已七旬。临证五十余载,经验丰富,现将治疗血栓闭塞性脉管炎2例整理介绍如下。例一:郭××、女、20岁、农民。82年冬挖渠受了冷冻寒湿,四肢出现麻木疼痛,渐至足趾、手指颜色青紫,遇冷及夜间疼痛加重,当地治疗无效,于83年12月1日来我院求治刘老。患者面色(白光)白,趾指青紫不温,足背跌阳脉微弱,大便溏稀,一日二、三次,脉沉紧无力,舌淡红边有瘀斑,苔白腻。辨证为寒湿瘀阻血脉,治以散寒祛湿行瘀健脾。用桂枝附子汤加昧:熟附片9克桂枝10克细辛3克独活12克苍术15克防已12克木瓜12克苡米30克丹参15克当归30克乳香6克没药6克党参15克白术10克牛膝12克元胡12克。上方随症加减,服药50余剂,疼痛消失,颜色变红,手足温暖,大便正常,腻苔消退,时过年半,至今复发。例二:郭××、男、36岁、教师。因盖 Liu Shengrong has been 70 years old in traditional Chinese medicine. With more than 50 clinical trials and rich experience, 2 cases of thromboangiitis obliterans will be treated as follows. Example 1: Guo ××, female, 20 years old, farmer. In the 82nd winter, the digging channel was chilled and chilled. The limbs showed numbness and pain. The color of the toes and fingers became dark purple, and the cold and nighttime pain worsened. The local treatment was ineffective. On December 1, 1983, he came to our hospital to seek treatment for Liu Lao. The patient’s complexion (white light) is white, the fingertips are not warm in the bruises, and the back of the back is weak in the yang, and the stool is thin and thin. On the second or third day, the pulse is weak, the tongue is reddish, and the tongue is greasy. The syndrome is cold and dampness, blood stasis, and blood stasis. Guizhi Fuzi Decoction Addition: Cooked Slices 9g Guizhi 10g Asarum 3g Alive 12g Cangshu 15g Anti 12g Papaya 12g Rice 30g Salvia 15g Angelica 30g Frankincense 6g Myrrh 6g Codonopsis 15 grams Atractylodes 10 grams Achyranthes 12 grams Yuan Hu 12 grams. With the addition and subtraction of the disease at the top, taking more than 50 doses of medicine, the pain disappeared, the color became red, the hands and feet were warm, the stool was normal, and the greasy moss dissipated. It took a year and a half to relapse. Example 2: Guo X, male, 36 years old, teacher. Ingai
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